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Day 1

High Level Principles - Chameleon Model - 26 January 2020

Issue List - F2F meeting - 26 January 2020

Day 2

Day 3

General Info:

EPDP Team Statement of Participation - Phase 2

AGENDA | ICANN EPDP Los Angeles Face-to-Face

27-29 January 2020


Overview (Local Time)

Day 1, Monday

8:00-8:30 Arrival

8:30 Formal Meeting Start

12:00-13:00 Lunch

17:30 Wrap Up

19:00 Dinner

Day 2, Tuesday

8:00-8:30 Arrival

8:30 Formal Meeting Start

12:00-13:00 Lunch

17:30 Wrap Up

Free evening

Day 3, Wednesday

8:00-8:30 Arrival

8:30 Formal Meeting Start

14:00: late lunch and anyone who wants to leave for flights can.

END of meeting


Chameleon Model Principles

Mechanism for evolution

GAC proposed principles of accreditation for Governmental Bodies

Remaining issues


Chameleon Model Recommendations

Remaining issues continued



Remaining issues continued


Financial considerations

Timeline for publication

Public comment forum

Meeting Objectives

  • Agree on model for inclusion in Initial Report
  • Resolve issues flagged in response to previous draft of Initial Report
  • Finalize recommendations and Initial Report for publication for public comment by 7 February 2020

Day 1, Monday


Arrive at ICANN Office


Introductions, Agenda Review, Meeting Objectives, Group Working Agreements


Present Chameleon Model High Level Principles


Groups to caucus on Chameleon Model High level Principles


Groups to report back to full group on Chameleon Model High Level Principles

·       Consider feedback

·       Update principles as necessary

·       Confirm EPDP Team agreement


Morning Break


Brainstorm on Mechanism for SSAD Evolution


GAC proposed principles of accreditation to provide the ability to request access to registration data for governmental bodies

·       Presentation of proposed principles (GAC members)

·       EPDP Team feedback

·       Confirm updates to be made, if any, prior to inclusion of language in Initial Report




Commence remaining issues run through:

·       Run through accreditation issues list (Support Team)


Groups to caucus on accreditation issues


Groups to confirm which accreditation issues need to be considered further in combination with specific proposal for how to address issue

·       Compile list of issues to be further discussed and note proposed solutions

·       Obtain reactions from EPDP Team members to proposed solutions

·       Staff support team to make note of proposed solutions and produce updated language for day 2


Afternoon Break


Continue remaining issues run through:

·       Run through receipt of acknowledgement; response requirements; acceptable use policy (Support Team)


Groups to caucus on acknowledgement; response requirements; acceptable use policy issues


Groups to confirm which acknowledgement; response requirements; acceptable use policy issues need to be considered further in combination with specific proposal for how to address issue

·       Compile list of issues to be further discussed and note proposed solutions

·       Obtain reactions from EPDP Team members to proposed solutions

·       Staff support team to make note of proposed solutions and produce updated language for day 2


Wrap up, close and confirm agenda for Day 2


End of Meeting


EPDP Team Dinner

Location: The Wallace /

3833 Main Street

Culver City, CA 90232



Day 2, Tuesday


Arrive at ICANN Office


Reflections from Day 1

Recap Day 1 Outcomes, Review Agenda and Day 2 Objectives


Continue remaining issues run through:

·       Run through query policy, terms of use, logging, implementation guidance (Support Team)


Groups to caucus on acknowledgement; response requirements; acceptable use policy issues


Groups to confirm which acknowledgement; response requirements; acceptable use policy issues need to be considered further in combination with specific proposal for how to address issue

·       Compile list of issues to be further discussed and note proposed solutions

·       Obtain reactions from EPDP Team members to proposed solutions

·       Staff support team to make note of proposed solutions and produce updated language for day 3


Morning Break


Overview of updates to recommendations made to reflect day 1 agreements concerning model (Staff Support Team)


Groups to caucus on updates made to recommendations to reflect day 1 agreements concerning model


Groups to flag which changes they cannot live with for inclusion in the Initial Report, including rationale and proposal for what could be changed to address concerns


Lunch – working lunch for those interested: Update on legal vs. natural study & follow up question from ICANN Board re. geographic differentiation (TBC - Karen Lentz)


Continued: Groups to flag which changes they cannot live with for inclusion in the Initial Report, including rationale and proposal for what could be changed to address concerns


Third Party Purposes / Justifications:

·       Groups to share their perspective on current language and proposed language by BC

·       Break out session to come to agreement on what should be included in the Initial Report


Afternoon Break


Overview of updates to recommendations made to reflect day 1 agreements concerning issues (Staff Support Team)


Groups to caucus on updates made to recommendations to reflect day 1 agreements concerning issues


Groups to flag which changes they cannot live with for inclusion in the Initial Report, including rationale and proposal for what could be changed to address concerns


Wrap Up and Close



Day 3, Wednesday


 Arrive at ICANN Office


Reflections from Days 1 and 2

Recap Day 1 &  2 Outcomes, Review Agenda and Day 3 Objectives


Overview of updates to recommendations made to reflect day 2 agreements concerning model as well as issues (Staff Support Team)


Groups to caucus on updates made to recommendations to reflect day 2 agreements concerning model as well as issues


Groups to flag which changes they cannot live with for inclusion in the Initial Report, including rationale and proposal for what could be changed to address concerns


Morning Break


Specific Topics TBD – including consideration of updated graphics, financial questions


Discuss timeline and next steps for publication


Lunch and Adjourn

Anyone who wishes to leave for flights can.


Meeting Audio Cast (for observers)

To join the event, click on the link: 

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