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Comment: Still working on update


This section is to record the approval of this meeting agenda and its discussion order. (00:01/00:01)

10 June15 July:

3. Meeting Discussion Order 

ATLAS III &2019 North America School of Internet Governance (NASIG 2019)

→:To provide an ATLAS III and NASIG update

  • ATLAS III Timeline ← Eduardo
    • 15-Apr through 31-May: Training Program Starts (Competed) 

      • Icann Learn - available 24/7
      • Weekly webinars (mostly for people whose primary language is not English)
        •  Domain Names (based on our selection of “Domain Names Demystified”) – Alan/Olivier (Completed)

        • GNSO (based on our selection of “Introduction to the GNSO”) – Marika/Steve Chan (Completed)
        • ccNSO (based on our selection of Onboarding: ccNSO”) – Bart/Joke (Completed)
        • GAC (based on our selection of Onboarding: Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) – Yrjo/Anna Neves (liaisons) (Completed)
        • Cybersecurity (based on our selection of Cybersecurity Basics) – David Conrad/Patrick Jones (Completed)
    • 1 May: Selection Panel Reps Chosen (Completed)
      • AFRALO          Fatimata Seye Sylla

      • APRALO          Holly Raiche

      • EURALO          Yrjo Lansipuro

      • LACRALO        Humberto Carrasco

      • NARALO          John Laprise

    • 6-May: Selection Panel Training.Starts (2 Wks) (Completed)

    • 31-May: EOI Application Ends  (Completed)

      • How many completed applications were received?
    • 3-Jun: SelectionBegins (3 Wks)  (On target)

    • 24-Jun: Selection Ends - List Ready  (On target)

    • 5-Jul: ICANN Travel Deadline  (On target)

  • NASIG 2019
    • Timeline details ← Glenn




Allotted Time/Running Time


Introductory Remarks by NARALO Chair

→: To put the meeting in perspective  and bring-up anything of general interest to the membership:

    • ICANN 65 Brief Report
    • One hour meeting today
    • Election Results
    • FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)
      • Remind new 
    • CROP Report by  Michael Casadevall
    • ATLAS III/NASIG updates
    • Outreach Group Updates
      • NARALO Strategic Plan Discussion
    • NARALO appointees to the ALAC Metrics Group
      • John More
      • Alfredo Calderón
      • José R. Lebrón
    • Policy update presentation by Johnathan Zuck


(00:04 / 00:05)060

ATLAS III &2019 North America School of Internet Governance (NASIG 2019)


2019 NARALO Elections

To provide an update on the 2019 NARALO Election ← (these need to be updated)

  • Results: (staff needs to updates the wiki pages)
    • ALAC → Number of voters: 21 · Group size: 25 · Percentage voted: 84.00
      • Jonathan Zuck  :: 12 votes ::  57.14%
      • John Laprise         ::  8 votes   :: 38.10%
      • Abstain                   :: 1 vote       :: 4.76%
    • Secretariat → Number of voters: 22 · Group size: 25 · Percentage voted: 88.00
      • Judith Hellerstein :: 12 votes :: 54.55% ← 
      • Leah Symekher        ::  10 votes  :: 45.45%
    • Nomcom → By acclamation
      • Glenn McKnight 


(00:05/ 00:10)056



ATLAS III and NASIG update

  • ATLAS III Timeline ← Eduardo
    • 15-Apr through 31-May: Training Program Starts (Competed) 

      • Icann Learn - available 24/7
      • Weekly webinars (mostly for people whose primary language is not English)
        •  Domain Names (based on our selection of “Domain Names Demystified”) – Alan/Olivier (Completed)

        • GNSO (based on our selection of “Introduction to the GNSO”) – Marika/Steve Chan (Completed)
        • ccNSO (based on our selection of Onboarding: ccNSO”) – Bart/Joke (Completed)
        • GAC (based on our selection of Onboarding: Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) – Yrjo/Anna Neves (liaisons) (Completed)
        • Cybersecurity (based on our selection of Cybersecurity Basics) – David Conrad/Patrick Jones (Completed)
    • 1 May: Selection Panel Reps Chosen (Completed)
      • AFRALO          Fatimata Seye Sylla

      • APRALO          Holly Raiche

      • EURALO          Yrjo Lansipuro

      • LACRALO        Humberto Carrasco

      • NARALO          John Laprise

    • 6-May: Selection Panel Training.Starts (2 Wks) (Completed)

    • 31-May: EOI Application Ends  (Completed)

      • How many completed applications were received?
    • 3-Jun: SelectionBegins (3 Wks)  (On target)

    • 24-Jun: Selection Ends - List Ready  (On target)

    • 5-Jul: ICANN Travel Deadline  (On target)

  • NASIG 2019
    • Timeline details ← Glenn



(00:05 / 00:15)

ICANN65 Brief Report

  • Pilot Reporting Project
  • ALAC Moving Topics @ June 2019 
    • Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Universal Acceptance (UA)
    • DNS Security and Abuse, DNSSEC and Cybersecurity
    • ICANN and Human Rights, including Privacy and GDPR / WHOIS
    • ICANN Jurisdiction and Internet Governance (building upon the recommendations of the Jurisdiction Working Group)
    • New gTLDs: Perspectives and Scope
    • ICANN Transparency and Accountability, in terms of enhancing / building end user trust
    • Facilitating multi-stakeholder consensus within the ICANN community; working together with governments, business and civil society
    • Capacity Building on all themes listed above, with due regard to geographical, cultural and language diversity
  • Talking points :: Presentation / Detailed Document
  • High Interest Sessions
    • Policy Aspects of DNS over HTTPS (DoH), DNS over TLS (DoT) and Related Issues
    • Evolving the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model
    • Impacts of EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations on Other ICANN Policies and Procedures
    • Policies Around Universal Acceptance
Eduardo(00:05 / 00:15)

NARALO FY19 & FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)

→: To provide a report on the request and/or use of discretionary funds and/or FY20 ABR for NARALO

  • FY19 Discretionary Funds (deadline June 30, 2019)
    • Current balance: $96
  • FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)
    • Approved:
      • Real-Time Transcription (RTT) of up to ten (10) hours of Inter-sessional At-Large teleconference calls in English during FY20
        • F/U: Judith & Silvia to coordinate FY20 RTT meeting schedule
      • Funding for FY20 outreach and engagement activities by Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs) - $4k/RALO
        • Is there a link to this page?
  • May be supported by ATLAS III budget
    • Policy writing course for and during ATLAS III/ICANN66
      • Will this be a course to be taken previous to ATLAS III?
      • Policy Writing Workshop- Heidi



(00:05 / 00:20)

NARALO Outreach Group Update Report

→: To provide a summary of the NARALO Outreach Group efforts

  • Reports:
    • ARIN 43 Bridgetown, Barbados 7-10 April 2019 Next month →  Michael Casadevall
    • Pre ICANN 65  Marrakesh Readout in Ottawa → Marita Moll
  • Follow-Ups:
    • NTC19 Portland, Oregon 13-15 March 2019m → Judith Hellerstein 
      • Coordination with GSE for an ICANN table (timeline)
      • Application for a speaking slot (timeline)
    • Digital Inclusion Charlotte, North Carolina 1-3 April 2019 → Alfredo Calderón
      • Application for a lighting round sessions in advance (timeline)
      • Affiliation to the organization (timeline)
      • Outreach lady from NY which lives in New Orleans for possible ALs affiliation (results)
  • Next Events:
    • Stay Strong and Free: A Discussion of Canada's New Digital Charter → Glenn
  • Discussion/Approval of the CROP Strategic Plan for FY20 → Glenn/Eduardo
  • CROP  TRIPS   FY 20
  • CROP Trips FY20 (1 July 2019 through 20 June 2020)March 24   NTC 20 
    1. ARIN (only one of these)
      • ARIN 44 October 31 / Nov1 2019 @Austin,Texas :: Application deadline is August 15, 2019
        • Application form :: TBD
      • ARIN 45 April 26 / 29 2020 @Louiville, Kentucky :: Application deadline is January 10, 2020
    2. NonprofitTechnology Conference 2020 (NTC 20) March 24/26 @Baltimore,Maryland :: Application deadline is January 10, 2020
      •  Application form ::
    April   26    ARIN 45







(00:20 / 00:40)

2019 NomCom update report

 →:To provide a brief report by our 2019 NomCom representative.

Leah(00:05 / 00:45)

North America Stakeholder Engagement

→: To provide an update report on North America Stakeholder Engagement efforts

  • Current and future engagements



(00:05 / 00:50)

NARALO Policy Group Update Report

→: To provide an update report by the head of the Policy Group as to the ICANN policies being discussed at the moment affecting NARALO end-users and/or interest to NARALO members in general

      •  At-Large Policy Advice Updates


(00:10 / 00:60)

if we get to them...


EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data

→: To provide an update report on this effort


NARALO ALAC members Update Reports

→: To provide a summary by our current NARALO representatives in ALAC of what was discussed since our last meeting in ALAC regarding policy and anything else that the region should be aware about.


John L.



NARALO Education Group Update Report

→: To provide provide an update report by the head of the Educational Group since our last call.


Student Outreach by  the North American Graduate Students At-Large Structure

→: To provide an updated report on efforts related to outreach University students by this At-Large Structure 

  • F/U syllabus work and Google doc for research material




RIR Outreach

→: To provide a report on RIR outreach efforts


to be updated in the future...


Academic Credits

→:To work on ways that we could possibly exchange academic credit for students who participate in ICANN policy development processes





Any Other Business (AOB)

-Next meeting: July 15, 2019 @20:00 UTC--


→ 14 January  [Recording: 38:45] Report provided. From transcript: "Many RIRs have grant programs and other community programs. ARIN is the only RIR that does not have any of those programs, so we have to think of different ways of trying to work with them. We had originally thought of an idea several years ago to do a liaison position with them, but they had turned that down then, thinking that they were afraid of favoritism. But we are going to try to reintroduce the idea again, but also trying to figure out our topic so that we can get the RIRs to know us more and us to know what they are doing." Check transcript starting in page #23 for more details.

5. New Discussions


This section is for new discussions in the agenda for this meeting

Topic 063: ICANN65 Brief Report

LEAD: Glenn Eduardo  Díaz

OPEN: 8 April  10 July 2019, CLOSED: 10 July 2019

TYPE: [General]

DESCRIPTION: To provide an update on the 2019 NARALO Election


  • Open Positions
    • NARALO Secretariat: Currently held by Glenn McKnight.  Glenn is not term limited. This two year term will run between the end of the 2019 AGM and the 2021 AGM. 
    • ALAC  Representative:Currently held  by John Laprise.  John is not term limited. This two year term will run between the end of the 2019 AGM and the 2021 AGM. 
    • NARALO  NomCom Delegate: The current NA delegate to the 2019 NomCom is Leah Symekher. Leah's is term limited. This one year term will run between the end of the 2019 AGM and the 2020 AGM.
  • Current Nominations
    • ALAC: John Laprise, Johnathan Zuck
    • Secretary: Judith Hellerstein, Leah Symekher
    • NomCom: Glenn McKnight
  • Schedule:
    • 29 March 2019- Announcement of call for nominations and Nominee's Statement.** (Completed)

    • 29 April – 10 May 2019 - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 10 working days).

    • 17 May 2019  - Deadline for nomination acceptances

    • 20 May - 22 May 2019 - Calls with the candidates if desired by the RALOs. 

    • 23 May - 30 May 2019 - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).

    • 2019 AGM [ ICANN 66 ] - Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the end of the 2019 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 7 November 2019.

→ 8 April: . Check recording starting at 8:18 for more details. Alan provided a summary of the available positions responsibilities.

→ 13 May : Statements given by candidates in conteste positions. More details in transcript page 35.

5. New Discussions

 To provide a brief report on ICANN 65 as follows:

  • ICANN 65 brief report
    • ALAC moving topics @ June 2019 
      • Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Universal Acceptance (UA)
      • DNS Security and Abuse, DNSSEC and Cybersecurity
      • ICANN and Human Rights, including Privacy and GDPR / WHOIS
      • ICANN Jurisdiction and Internet Governance (building upon the recommendations of the Jurisdiction Working Group)
      • New gTLDs: Perspectives and Scope
      • ICANN Transparency and Accountability, in terms of enhancing / building end user trust
      • Facilitating multi-stakeholder consensus within the ICANN community; working together with governments, business and civil society
      • Capacity Building on all themes listed above, with due regard to geographical, cultural and language diversity
    • Talking points :: Presentation / Detailed Document
    • Pilot Reporting Project
    • High Interest Sessions
      • Policy Aspects of DNS over HTTPS (DoH), DNS over TLS (DoT) and Related Issues
      • Evolving the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model
      • Impacts of EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations on Other ICANN Policies and Procedures
      • Policies Around Universal Acceptance

→ 15 July: Report given. See transcript page XX for more details.This section is for new discussions in the agenda for this meeting

6. Any Other Business (AOB)

This section is for any new discussions not in the agenda for this meeting.



063*: [Topic title here]

LEAD: [name]

OPEN: [open date], CLOSED:
