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1. Review agenda/Statements of Interest

2. Select Sub Team Leader

3. Introduction to the survey analysis tool:

4. Begin survey analysis

5. AOB




AC Recording


Attendance and AC Chat

Apologies: Susan Payne, Phil Corwin


Notes/ Action Items


  1. Staff to add original numbering to the agreed questions.
  2. Sub Team members to volunteer or nominate candidates for Sub Team leader.
  3. Sub Team members: By Wednesday, 19 December 2018, analyze whether / how the data in Row 12-27 of the "Actual & Potential Registrants" tab answer the agreed question 1 and its sub questions (a) and (b), in the spreadsheet at:


Question 1 (Final Charter Questions for Trademark Claims)

Is the Trademark Claims service having its intended effect? Consider the following questions specifically in the context both of a Claims Notice as well as a Notice of Registered Name:

a) Is the Trademark Claims service having its intended effect of deterring bad-faith registrations and providing Claims Notice to domain name applicants?

b) Is the Trademark Claims service having any unintended consequences, such as deterring good-faith domain name applications? 


1. Statements of Interest: no updates. 

2. Select Sub Team Leader:

-- Cynthia King nominated Griffin Barnett, who is considering the nomination.

-- Kristine Dorrain is considering whether to volunteer.

-- Griffin and Kristin may consider whether to offering to Co-Lead the Sub Team. 

3. Introduction to the survey analysis tool: 

-- First tab (far left) is the content table.

-- First column is the consolidated data from the survey results. 

Example: Actual & Potential Registrant Response:

-- Column A: Questions based on the refined charter questions.

-- Column B: Actual survey question (but without the logic).

-- Some questions are asked of both actual and potential registrants, and some are related.

-- Column C: Sub Team's draft question.

-- Column D: Actual registrant response.

-- Column E: Potential registrant response

-- Column F: Findings from Analysis Group.

-- Look at the table -- there are some dividers -- noting what relates to Trademark Claims and Sunrise. 


-- The table ties back to the agreed charter questions.  Once the analysis is done there may be information here that may be relevant to other charter questions.

-- First, go through survey results.

-- Then how or whether the survey results answer the agreed questions.

-- How the survey results may answer other survey questions.

-- Goal is to answer the charter questions.  Don't get bogged down in analyzing the data.  Focus on column A and how we get the answers.

-- Question: What is in the tabs?  That is the raw data/detailed responses. 

4. Begin survey analysis: 

Second tab: Actual & Potential Registrants

Column A: (reading the questions) 


-- Based on the results it seems pretty clear that only half of the people who were not actual registrants answered the question about the notice correctly.  Effectiveness and claims notice.

-- Note that some respondents seem to have been deterred (worried).

-- Claims notice: overarching question -- background question -- how much deterrence is acceptable?

-- #4/#5: That is what row 14 is answering.  Is the notice intimidating, not the service.

-- Look at the survey analysis group outside of ICANN -- the meaning what the notice, half of the answers the distractor answers (wrong/unhelpful).  Didn't understand the notice.

-- Proposal: Take question 1, sub parts a and b, study those questions, and compare against the 3 tabs.