11:46:07 From Joke Braeken : Hello all. Welcome! We will be starting at the top of the hour 11:53:48 From edith : Hello Joke. Noted. Hello All. 11:55:21 From Joke Braeken : Hello all. Welcome! We will be starting at the top of the hour 11:55:44 From Ruveni Waqanitoga : Hi Joke , Hi all 11:55:57 From Natalie Rose : Good morning 12:01:12 From Joke Braeken : I will share a survey in the chat, towards the end of the webinar. Your feedback is much appreciated! 12:09:17 From Joke Braeken : here is the link to the playbook: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-17dec19-en.htm 12:10:34 From Joke Braeken : Tech Day is looking for presenters: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-09jan20-en.htm 12:14:39 From Joke Braeken : here is the list of current ccNSO members: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/about/members.htm 12:22:27 From Joke Braeken : recently, a call for volunteers for ccPDP3 went out. https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-20jan20-en.htm 12:27:23 From Joke Braeken : here is the overview of all ccNSO Council members: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/about/council.htm 12:37:43 From Joke Braeken : here you can consult the agenda for the ccNSO Members Meeting: https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/ccNSO+Members+Meeting+%7C+ICANN67 12:42:09 From Bart Boswinkel : we do not bite 12:42:15 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : :D 12:42:18 From Joke Braeken : not very often ;-) 12:42:48 From Joke Braeken : A recording of this webinar will be made available here: https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/ccNSO+Webinars 12:43:02 From Joke Braeken : Thank you for participating in today’s ccNSO community webinar. We hope you found it useful. What went well? What can we do better? Let us know! Please take a moment to fill out this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/WLRFXLH 12:43:21 From Natalie Rose : will do 12:43:33 From Joke Braeken : thank you very much Natalie 12:46:06 From Joke Braeken : the agenda for the members meeting is here: https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/ccNSO+Members+Meeting+%7C+ICANN67 12:47:00 From Joke Braeken : Tech Day: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=124846204 12:47:27 From Joke Braeken : there is no content yet on the agenda page for Tech Day, but more info will become available shortly 12:47:56 From Anna Karakhanyan : Thank you for the presentation! 12:48:36 From Joke Braeken : Community Forum (March), Policy Forum (June), Annual General Meeting (November) 12:49:11 From Joke Braeken : at ICANN66 we had about 150 people attending the ccNSO Members Meeting 12:49:39 From Joke Braeken : depending on the time of the day and the sessions, the numbers may vary 12:49:53 From Joke Braeken : the working groups are typically a lot smaller. about 30 people 12:50:21 From Joke Braeken : again, depending on the group or committee 12:50:37 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : thanks Joke 12:50:44 From Joke Braeken : you’re most welcome 12:51:35 From Joke Braeken : the session on the governance models is scheduled for Wed, 11 March (15:15-16:45) 12:52:30 From Anna Karakhanyan : I filled the survey. 12:52:48 From Joke Braeken : thank you! for those that have not done yet: Please take a moment to fill out this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/WLRFXLH 12:53:18 From Joke Braeken : thanks all! goodbye. 12:53:26 From Bart Boswinkel : Bye all!! 12:53:29 From Anna Karakhanyan : Thank you very much! bye-bye 12:53:37 From Pablo Rodriguez : Bye all!! 12:53:38 From edith : Thank you