06:52:59 From Donna Austin to Everyone: Hello Bart!!! 06:53:08 From Bart Boswinkel to Everyone: Hi Donna 06:53:22 From Donna Austin to Everyone: How nice to hear your voice ;-) 06:53:25 From Bart Boswinkel to Everyone: Nice to have you here! 06:53:37 From Alejandra Reynoso .gt - ccNSO Councilor to Everyone: Good night ;) 11pm here 06:53:46 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Hola! 06:54:11 From Donna Austin to Everyone: Thank you for having a session at an APAC friendly time. 06:54:44 From Alejandra Reynoso .gt - ccNSO Councilor to Everyone: ^_^ 06:56:14 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Welcome Donna! 06:58:08 From Donna Austin to Everyone: Thanks Joke 06:59:26 From Joel Karubiu to Everyone: Good day all 06:59:59 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: 👋🏻 07:00:21 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: buenos dias!! 07:01:09 From Pablo Rodriguez (ccNSO Councillor - NA) to Everyone: Hello all 07:01:20 From Barrack Otieno aftld.org to Everyone: Goodmorning from Nairobi colleagues 07:02:20 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Welcome to today’s ccTLD News Session, held on Thursday, 27 May at 5 UTC 07:02:40 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: This session will have a 90 minute duration. 07:02:53 From Marta Moreira Dias to Everyone: Good morning from Lisbon! 07:02:56 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Meeting recordings and a copy of the slide decks used today will be posted here: https://community.icann.org/x/HBwFBQ 07:03:25 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: This meeting is governed under ICANN’s Expected Standard of Behavior http://www.icann.org/en/news/in-focus/accountability/expected-standards 07:03:50 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Welcome to all! 07:04:57 From Nigel Hickson UK GAC to Everyone: Good morning from London 07:05:58 From K Mohan Raidu, ISoc India Hyderabad Chapter to Everyone: Good morning from Hyderabad, India 07:10:22 From Peter Koch (DENIC eG) to Everyone: Are these numbers based on the definition from the previous slide? 07:13:31 From Donna Austin, GoDaddy Registry to Everyone: To the extent that its helpful to the discussion ICANN's Contracted Parties definition of DNS Abuse is available at: https://www.rysg.info/wp-content/uploads/comments/ec8e4c_3001326c70194bd4a849413e1f32fc31.pdf 07:14:03 From Guðrun Poulsen .fo to Everyone: Thank you Donna 07:15:03 From Pablo Rodriguez (ccNSO Councillor - NA) to Everyone: @Donna - very helpful, thanks! 07:17:14 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Javier is providing a general introduction today. Afterwards we will hear from ccTLD managers from various regions. Guðrun Poulsen (.fo) Session Chair · Javier Rúa-Jovet (NomCom appointed ccNSO Councillor) · Xuebiao Yuchi (.cn) · Angela Matlapeng (.bw) · Guillermo Lama(.cl) · Marta Moreira Dias (.pt) 07:21:26 From Nigel Hickson UK GAC to Everyone: Thanks Joke, great preparation for discussions on DNS abuse at ICANN71 07:26:01 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Thanks Nigel. We should thank the presenters and the ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee! 07:26:12 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: hi eberyone 07:26:20 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: sorry for being late 07:28:26 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Very good attendance today! 07:30:23 From Steinar Grøtterød to Everyone: Subscribe to a free report of security threats in your namespace using https://abusestats.com/subscribe. The free reports are collected for a large set of reputation block lists. The report will indicate the volume but not the actual domain names 07:30:32 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Has .cn adopted blockchain approaches to combat DNS Abuse? 07:34:22 From Svitlana Tkachenko (.ua) to Everyone: Very interesting presentation. Thank you! 07:39:43 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: 70 attendees, I think we just surpassed the attendance of Session #1! 07:39:50 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: 71! 07:39:58 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: :) 07:45:07 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Great presentation- 07:45:45 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Consumers! that's me! 07:46:09 From Geo Van Langenhove to Everyone: thank you, Angela, very nice presentation indeed 07:50:11 From Joke Braeken to Pablo Rodriguez (ccNSO Councillor - NA)(Direct Message): Could you take your hand down Pablo please? If it is an old one? 07:51:32 From Pablo Rodriguez (ccNSO Councillor - NA) to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): I have not learn to put my hand down since this morning soorry 07:52:17 From Joke Braeken to Pablo Rodriguez (ccNSO Councillor - NA)(Direct Message): :D 07:52:19 From Svitlana Tkachenko (.ua) to Everyone: Thank you, Angela! Very impressing! 07:52:32 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Agree! 07:52:56 From Joel Karubiu to Everyone: great presentation angela 07:55:54 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Guillermo, is the rise that you have seen in "abusive registrations" a rise of "coronavirus.cl"-type registrations? 07:58:15 From Pablo Rodriguez (ccNSO Councillor - NA) to Everyone: Guillermo does nic.cl has a specific process to reach out to the registrant before deleting a domain name that has been identified as a DNS abuser? 08:03:56 From Peter Van Roste - CENTR to Everyone: What is the composition of the committee that decides on the suspension? 08:07:05 From Svitlana Tkachenko (.ua) to Everyone: Is DNS Abuse status dashboard available for public or it’s your internal tool? What DNS abuse database do you use ? 08:07:30 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: interesting composition ! 08:09:11 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: but will the tool be public? 08:09:42 From Svitlana Tkachenko (.ua) to Everyone: Thank you! Great work and plan. 08:10:42 From Pablo Rodriguez (ccNSO Councillor - NA) to Everyone: Very interesting presentation Guillermo! 08:11:19 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: If Portugal is a tiny country, then what are we in Puerto Rico??? 08:11:44 From Bruce Tonkin to Everyone: We at .au are now back in a 7 day total lockdown - but generally also have been working from home since March 2020. 08:12:23 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Interesting definition! 08:13:32 From Bruce Tonkin to Everyone: @Marta-when you say unintentionally -does that include phiahsing sites thatmight be ain a subdirectory of a wordpress site. e.g businessname.pt/hidden/bank-phishing-site 08:17:33 From Nigel Hickson UK GAC to Everyone: Good question Bruce; we in UK have issues (in media) with sites that impersonate name (not substance) of a legitimate brand site to direct user to porn content etc. 08:29:06 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: This is the last presentation for today’s session. At the end we will display a poll (2 questions) in Zoom. Would be great if you could answer the poll, and let us know your feedback regarding this session. Any suggestions or feedback for future sessions? Let us know at ccnsosecretariat@icann.org! 08:29:10 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone: Just a FYI, the Abuse mailbox is not mandatory in the AFRINIC region, however there are discussions and policy ready to enforce this to assist with addressing DNS Abuse where information is redacted on the WHOIS due to compliance to Data Protection. 08:30:42 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Perfect time management today! Great job @all! 08:31:01 From Pablo Rodriguez (ccNSO Councillor - NA) to Everyone: Excellent presentation Marta! 08:31:38 From Nigel Hickson UK GAC to Everyone: Thanks Marta, really informative 08:31:53 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: ICANN71 links to bookmark now   ccNSO Remote Participation Hub https://community.icann.org/x/WIG1CQ   ccNSO Members Meeting, including sessions held prior to ICANN71 https://community.icann.org/x/UYG1CQ   Tech Day https://community.icann.org/x/a4G1CQ 08:32:29 From Adebiyi Oladipo to Everyone: Interesting Presentations. Thanks to all presenters 08:32:48 From Donna Austin, GoDaddy Registry to Everyone: Thank you everyone. Very helpful to get an insight into the various ways ccTLDs are approaching and responding to DNS Abuse. 08:32:53 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Honor to participate and share the "stage" with all of you today (tonight?). THX CIAO!! 08:33:09 From Bruce Tonkin to Everyone: Thanks @Marta. 08:33:10 From Peter Koch (DENIC eG) to Everyone: thanks, appreciate the new perspectives! 08:33:13 From Alejandra Reynoso .gt to Everyone: Excellent session! Thank you all presenters for sharing with the community and thanks to the MPC team for making this possible 👍 08:33:13 From Pablo Rodriguez (ccNSO Councillor - NA) to Everyone: Have a good time of the day all! 08:33:43 From Svitlana Tkachenko (.ua) to Everyone: Thank you! 08:33:44 From Geo Van Langenhove to Everyone: one can't select multiple options in Q 2 08:33:44 From Arianna Del Soldato (.it) to Everyone: Thanks a lot 08:33:48 From Peter Koch (DENIC eG) to Everyone: cannot ‘select all that apply’ … 08:33:59 From Geo Van Langenhove to Everyone: idd PEter 08:34:17 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone: Thank you everyone, Bye! 08:34:17 From Carlos Collao .cl to Everyone: Thanks for the presentations! 08:34:18 From Jordi Iparraguirre (.eu) to Everyone: Thanks to all presenters and organizers. Great session. See you at the Tech Day 08:34:20 From Carlos Collao .cl to Everyone: Bye! 08:34:21 From Peter Koch (DENIC eG) to Everyone: sorry, can’t read and type simultaneously :-) 08:34:22 From Adriana Lazzaroni (it) to Everyone: thank you all and have a good day 08:34:26 From Arianna Del Soldato (.it) to Everyone: Bye! 08:34:27 From Tanya Forsyuk .ua to Everyone: Thanks a lot! 08:34:29 From Guðrun Poulsen .fo to Everyone: Thank you all :) 08:34:35 From Eduardo Mercader Orta to Everyone: Bye! 08:34:48 From Kristof Tuyteleers (.be) to Everyone: Bye all 08:34:55 From Wang Lang to Everyone: thanks! 08:34:56 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: This meeting has ended. Thanks for participating! 08:35:03 From Ahmada Yusril .id to Everyone: Thnak you everyone!