20:53:54 From Joke Braeken : hello Marie-Noemie! 20:55:45 From Marie-Noemie Marques : Hello Joke and all :) 20:58:40 From Joke Braeken : hello everyone! Welcome to the Council Election Webinar. We will be starting at the top of the hour 20:59:44 From Joke Braeken : hello all! Welcome 21:00:10 From Joke Braeken : Welcome to the Council Election Webinar. We will be starting shortly 21:00:58 From Joke Braeken : this is the first edition of the “Come and join us”-Webinar. a second edition will be held tomorrow, 3 September at 8 UTC 21:07:17 From Joke Braeken : This webinar is being recorded. Once available, recordings will be posted here: https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/Pre-ICANN69+ccNSO+sessions 21:09:55 From Joke Braeken : Welcome to those who just joined. Katrina is explaining why it is a great opportunity to join the ccNSO Council 21:18:01 From Joke Braeken : Details regarding the call for nominations will be posted on the ccNSO Website. 21:20:11 From Clara Collado : how many seats will be available for LAC region? 21:20:28 From Joke Braeken : hello Clara. 1 seat becomes available 21:20:44 From Clara Collado : thanks 21:20:53 From Joke Braeken : In March 2021, at the conclusion of ICANN70, the 3-year term of the following ccNSO Councillors ends: Africa: Abdalla Omari Asia Pacific: Young Eum Lee Europe: Katrina Sataki Latin America/Caribbean: Margarita Valdes North America: Byron Holland 21:22:05 From Joke Braeken : Alejandra is re-joining the zoom room 21:30:03 From Svitlana Tkachenko : how do you combine work as Council and work in your ccTLD ? Have you experiences conflicts between your opinions as a Councillor and an employee of ccTLD? 21:30:28 From Joke Braeken : thank you Svitlana, we will read your question out loud 21:35:38 From Jenifer Lopez - cctld .PA : Q: In your opinion as a ccNSO Council what is the most important function? 21:39:01 From pablo : I agree with Biyi 21:39:02 From Jenifer Lopez - cctld .PA : Yes, thank you very much Alejandra, Pablo and Adebiyi. 21:39:47 From Joe Alagna - Afilias : Hi All, I just wanted to listen in to learn a little more. Thanks for sharing this. 21:39:52 From Joke Braeken : Just a reminder. This webinar is being recorded. Once available, recordings will be posted here: https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/Pre-ICANN69+ccNSO+sessions 21:40:11 From Joke Braeken : Also, we will organise a second session on 3 September, at 8 UTC. 21:42:53 From Alejandra Reynoso .gt - ccNSO Council : PDP - Policy Development Process 21:44:01 From Clara Collado : congratulations to all of you for the excellent work at ccNSO 21:45:40 From Lito Ibarra : Thanks everyone 21:45:42 From Joke Braeken : Any questions? Feel free to write us on ccnsosecretariat@icann.org 21:45:47 From Jenifer Lopez - cctld .PA : Thank you for this webinar. It was really interesting. Congrats for your great work at ccNSO. 21:45:50 From Joe Alagna - Afilias : Thanks for this. I'm sorry for being so quiet. Just wanted to listen in. 21:46:05 From avri doria : thank 21:46:09 From Joke Braeken : Thank you all for participating! Stay safe. 21:46:20 From Svitlana Tkachenko : Thank you for webinar. Very interesting ! 21:46:20 From Jenifer Lopez - cctld .PA : Bye!