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Article Name: Evaluation question #46: Projections Template
Article Type: Supplemental Notes
Version Number: v03
Publish Date: 2011-11-22
Article Number: 30046
Applicant Guidebook Reference: Sections 1.2.2,,, 2.3.2, 2.4.1, attachment to Module 2 – Evaluation Questions and Criteria

1. Supplemental Notes

2. Best Practice Suggestions



8 January 2012

1.7 If the Projections template does not have a line to cover an applicant’s type of revenue, funding, operating costs, capital expenditures, etc. the applicant can combine information in other lines and attach a supplemental schedule detailing combined costs for the specific line or add a note in the Notes section describing how the line was calculated. For example, an applicant may have Administrative labor costs that are different than the Marketing, Customer Support, or Technical lines in Section I, line F.  The applicant can add the Administrative labor costs to the Marketing Labor line and either attach a schedule showing what is included in Marketing Labor or in the Notes section describe how Marketing Labor costs were calculated.

1.8 Section I, line K) Outsourced Operating Costs – applicants proposing to outsource a function or functions must still address all criteria specified in each relevant question, and include detailed rationale demonstrating a thorough understanding of the criteria (i.e., show your work). It must be clear what functions/processes are being outsourced and how the outsourced costs have been calculated.

1.9 Section IIb – Break out of Critical Registry Functions Operating Cash Outflows – This information should be based on the applicant's cost to manage these functions and should be calculated separately from the Continued Operations Instrument (COI) for Question 50. If an applicant is outsourcing back-end registry operations then the applicant should provide the total cost for the outsourced services in Section I, line K and separately estimate the costs for the critical registry functions in Section IIb. It must be clear what functions/processes are being covered in Section I, line K and Section IIb and the basis for how the costs have been calculated.

1.10 Section III, line D) asks applicants to provide any projected capital expenditures. If an applicant is outsourcing certain functions the applicant is not expected to account for capital expenditures made by the outsourced provider.  Rather, the applicant should only account for capital expenditures they will make such as those necessary to integrate with the outsourced provider.

16 December 2011

1.6 The gTLD evaluation fee of USD 185,000 is not considered an operating cost and should not be included in financial projections.

15 November 2011

1.1 The projections template must not be modified. If applicants believe additional schedules are needed as support, attach the additional schedules within the application response.

1.2 Explanations should be provided for each line item of the projections template, even if applicants input $0.

1.3 Funds to be used in the event of a string contention auction process should not be accounted for in any part of the projections template.  The monies accounted for in the template must not be impacted by expected funds to be used for the auction process.

1.4 If an applicant who has existing registry operations wishes to apply to operate additional TLDs, the applicant may divide the cost of operations between all of the registries (commonly called “cost allocation”) – those currently supported and the new ones that the applicant proposes. However, each application must “stand-alone.” For example, if an applicant is submitting multiple applications, the applicant should:

  • Describe the cost allocation method for the proposed gTLD string

  • Provide only the costs associated with running the proposed gTLD string in the projections template

  • Describe the impact to allocated costs if other applied-for strings do not pass in Question 49 – Worst Case Scenario

1.5 The applicant should ensure that only funding associated with the running of the proposed gTLD string are provided on the projections template. Where multiple applications for New gTLDs are being submitted by the same applicant, do not provide the full funding secured for all applications. Only provide the funding secured for each individual applied-for gTLD.




I.   Projected Cash Inflows and Outflows


A) Forecasted Registration Volume

Forecasted Registration volume includes   new registrations AND renewals. 


The applicant should provide details of   new and renewal registrations for each year. A supplemental schedule should   be used to capture this data. The schedule can be attached as supporting   documentation in the TLD Application System. An example of a Supplemental   Schedule (supplement schedule A) is provided below. 

B) Registration Fee

Line I – B) should reflect the average   fee (i.e., cash inflow) for total anticipated registrations sold/renewed   during the year as defined above in I - A). In the notes field for this line   item, the applicant should describe the range of anticipated fees (see   example supplemental schedule B below), how those amounts were derived, and   how the average fee was calculated for each year.

D) Other Cash Inflows

Other Cash Inflows represents other   revenue related cash inflows that will be used to support the registry. The   applicant should describe the type and source of other cash inflows.


Do not include funding here as   part of Other Cash Inflows. Funding should be accounted for in section IV.

F) Labor (Marketing, Customer Support,   Technical)

Represents the total costs for the proposed   registry for each year.


If costs represent a share of the   applicant’s existing operations, the applicant should indicate how the   allocation was determined for the proposed registry.


Cost structures in the application must   be reflective of the applying registry only (i.e., “stand-alone”) and not be   dependent on another application.

G) Marketing

H) Facilities

I) General & Administrative

J) Interest and Taxes

K) Outsourcing Operating Costs, if any

L) Other Operating Costs

ICANN annual fees as well as the   registry-level transaction fees should be included here.

IIb.   Break Out of Critical Function Operating Cash Outflows


A) Operation of SRS

The cash outflow for each year must be   based on the total domains under management.

B) Provision of Whois

C) DNS Resolution for Registered Domain   Names

D) Registry Data Escrow

E) Maintenance of Zone in Accordance with   DNSSEC

F) Total Critical Registry Function   Cash Outflows

H) 3-Year Total

This 3-Year Total amount should not be equated   to the amount of the applicant’s Continuing Operations Instrument (COI) for   Question 50. This 3-Year Total is only an estimate of the total costs of the   critical registry functions during the first three years of operations. 


As stated in the Applicant Guidebook (Notes   section of Question 50) “the actual amount required for the COI will be tied   to the cost for a third party to provide the functions, not to the   applicant’s actual in-house or subcontracting costs for provision of these   functions.


ICANN is building a model for these   costs in conjunction with potential Emergency Back-End Registry Operators   (EBERO) service providers. ICANN hopes to be able to share guidelines for   determining the appropriate amount for the COI with applicants soon. However,   absent these guidelines, the applicant is still required to provide its own   estimates and explanation for the calculation of the COI Question 50.”

IV.   Projected Assets & Liabilities


A) Cash

Line IV – A   should reflect unrestricted cash and cash equivalents only. Escrow balances   and restricted cash relating to the requirements of Question #50 should not   be included in this line item.


Funding required   in Question #48 for operation of the registry should be included here.

J) 3-year Reserve

Line IV – J   should only be used if the applicant has restricted cash balances related to   a cash escrow account and/or if the applicant has collateralized cash (or   other assets) for the purpose of securing a letter of credit, or similar   instrument to satisfy requirements of Question #50. In such cases, the cash   balance(s) shown on this line should be excluded from line IV – A.


Any balance(s)   shown in line IV – J are not expected to be reduced over the 3-year period.   Applicant should explicitly describe and explain circumstances that deviate   from this expectation.


If a Letter of   Credit is secured in conjunction with meeting the requirements of Question   50, the financial instrument is not expected to be reflected in the financial   template with the exception of restricted asset balances (such cash escrows   or collateralized cash) which should be detailed in line IV – J. The cost of   finance of the LOC included in the General and Administrative line I.


Example Supplemental Schedule A (for illustrative purposes only)

Forecasted Domain Registrations

Registration Type

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3









2 Year





5 Year





10 Year








- 0 -



  •   Year 2 renewals   of 9000 are based on a 90% retention rate of Year 1 new registrations sold of   10000

  •   Year 3 renewals   of 50400 are based on an approximate 80%   retention rate of total Year 2 registrations sold of 63000 (54000 new plus 9000   renewal)

2 Year

- 0 -

- 0 -


  •   Year 3 renewals   of 24000 are based on an 80% retention rate of Year 1 new registrations sold   of 30000

5 Year

- 0 -

- 0 -

- 0 -

  •   No renewals due

10 Year

- 0 -

- 0 -

- 0 -

  •   No renewals due

Total Forecasted Registrations







Example Supplemental Schedule B (for illustrative purposes only)

Registration Fee – Year 1

Registration Type

No of Registrations

Registration Fee

Total Forecasted Registration Revenue






2 Year




5 Year




10 Year










15 November 2011

2.1 Applicants should read each evaluation question in its entirety, including the notes, criteria, and scoring text. The answer should address all criteria specified, and include detailed rationale demonstrating a thorough understanding of the criteria (i.e., show your work).

2.2 If acronyms are used, applicants should spell out the first instance, even if the acronyms represent a common term/product/service.



DISCLAIMER: This material is for information only and does not represent of all requirements and criteria that the applicant must satisfy. ICANN is not providing legal, financial, business or any other kind of advice. This material does not represent a modification to the Applicant Guidebook, or the terms and conditions to the new gTLD program. This material also does not represent a waiver of any ICANN policy, procedure or agreement. In the event that any information provided in this material appears to be inconsistent with any information published elsewhere by ICANN, please do not rely on this material without confirmation or clarification from ICANN.


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