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Article Name: Evaluation question #48: Funding and Revenue
Article Type: Supplemental Notes
Version Number: v02
Publish Date: 2011-11-22
Article Number: 30048
Applicant Guidebook Reference: None

1. Supplemental Notes

2. Best Practice Suggestions


10 January 2012

1.2 The applicant should demonstrate proof that funds are available for registry operations as required and not for other purposes. As part of the requirements to score a “2” providing a bank statement by itself does not demonstrate proof whereas a funding agreement where the terms of committed funding are clearly identified, are only accessible by the applicant in addition to a bank statement showing the segregated funds only accessible by the applicant are better examples of demonstrating proof. The evaluation panels will review the information provided by the applicant and will make an appropriate determination for scoring.

15 November 2011

1.1 Question 48 in the Applicant Guidebook states “assurances that funding and revenue projections cited in this application are consistent with other public and private claims made to promote the business and generate support.” Applicants should ensure consistency in the projections used to secure funding and/or promote the proposed business model, with what is presented in the application.


15 November 2011

2.1 Applicants should read each evaluation question in its entirety, including the notes, criteria, and scoring text. The answer should address all criteria specified, and include detailed rationale demonstrating a thorough understanding of the criteria (i.e., show your work).

2.2 If acronyms are used, applicants should spell out the first instance, even if the acronyms represent a common term/product/service.


DISCLAIMER: This material is for information only and does not represent of all requirements and criteria that the applicant must satisfy. ICANN is not providing legal, financial, business or any other kind of advice. This material does not represent a modification to the Applicant Guidebook, or the terms and conditions to the new gTLD program. This material also does not represent a waiver of any ICANN policy, procedure or agreement. In the event that any information provided in this material appears to be inconsistent with any information published elsewhere by ICANN, please do not rely on this material without confirmation or clarification from ICANN.


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