AC Chat SPEC11 05 August 2015 Fabien Betremieux: (8/5/2015 08:34) Welcome to the Security Framework Drafting Team call on 05 August 2015 14:00 UTC Fabien Betremieux: (08:51) For audio participation, please either dial-in to the conference with details provided in the meeting invite, or use the audio feature of Adobe Connect Crystal Ondo [Donuts]: (08:52) Good morning :) Fabien Betremieux: (08:52) Good morning, welcome and thank you for joining ! Chris Klein: (08:54) Good morning everyone. Fabien, thank you for this call. I will have to leave the call prematurely @10:30 my time as I have a conflicting appointment at that time. Fabien Betremieux: (08:56) Hello Chris, noted. Thank you for your time Matthias Pfeifer .berlin: (08:57) hello Johnny Du(Stable Tone Ltd): (09:00) hi Al Bolivar: (09:00) Good morning John Matson, Architelos: (09:01) good day Nick Shorey - UK GAC representative: (09:02) Hello Fabien, FYI Jon Flaherty may struggle to attend this call, but I have spoken with him and will update on his behalf as appropriate. Yasmin Omer - Neustar: (09:03) Hello All Theo Geurts RrSG: (09:03) Good Afternoon All. Artthawit Hung: (09:03) Hi good evening from Thailand :) Theo Geurts RrSG: (09:04) Mark Jeftovic will try to listen in. Theo Geurts RrSG: (09:06) Going well Fabioan :) Yasmin Omer - Neustar: (09:10) Yes Alan Woods (Rightside): (09:11) agree with Yasmin's take on this. Yasmin Omer - Neustar: (09:13) Just to confirm, we're talking about having elected the co-chairs by the various communities by next week right? Not the overall chair? Theo Geurts RrSG: (09:14) that is my understanding also Yasmin Nick Shorey - UK GAC representative: (09:14) Hi Fabien, I think we in agreement on the representatives from the GAC PSWG Yasmin Omer - Neustar: (09:14) Thanks Fabien and Theo Nick Shorey - UK GAC representative: (09:15) I will take this as an action to confirm to you by the next meeting Peter Green (CONAC): (09:16) Sorry for being late Panus: (09:20) I support Theo on the rotation time in order to get wider audients Chris Klein: (09:30) Fabien - My regrets, I will be leaving the conference for another meeting. .. All - enjoy your day/evening. Dietmar Lenden - Valideus Ltd: (09:35) Fabien, I take it we can send more to you via email - some people may not want to talk right now Dietmar Lenden - Valideus Ltd: (09:35) great Yasmin Omer - Neustar: (09:40) I think that may have been it Theo Theo Geurts RrSG: (09:42) That was my first idea and yes are pretty focussed on that as we are getting flooded by so called abuse complaints ;) Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (09:47) we're talking about defining the curret language in Spec 11 (what is a botnet) not about changing the examples of abuse, correct? Matthias Pfeifer .berlin: (09:48) i read it so also Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (09:49) ok thanks. I think it would be helpful to the community (those looking for abuese to have a common understanding of what is a botnet, how to look for it, without exposing the investigator, etc. Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (09:51) FOr " Present industry with multiple solutions to choose from" that should be clarified as "not limited to" Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (09:51) but instead examples Matthias Pfeifer .berlin: (09:54) Its like a "honeypot" Theo Geurts RrSG: (09:54) Thanks Matthias, that nails it. Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (09:55) please define honeypot for those that are not familiar Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (09:55) as well as canary account Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (09:56) +1 theo, also it is beyond the registry operator's scope to determine what is fraudulant or criminal, we're not law enforcement and not capapble of making those determiniations Panus: (09:56) In terms of reporting. is it annually or monthly report? Al Bolivar: (09:57) honeypot = is a decoy computer system for trapping hackers Nick Shorey - UK GAC representative: (09:57) Thanks Theo - Good to get your perspective Dietmar Lenden - Valideus Ltd: (09:57) Sorry all I need to leave - there are 3 minutes left and sorry for not being able to stay for the whole call. Speak later Crystal Ondo [Donuts]: (09:58) I'll dial in Nick Shorey - UK GAC representative: (10:01) This document is most useful. UK will be producing a report to GAC PSWG, due later this week to commence our activity. Most useful to hear everyone's thoughts. , and will be considered to articulate how we work, current challenges etc. Crystal Ondo [Donuts]: (10:02) yes, thank you Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (10:03) keep in mind the document is a collection of comments from the community and isn't a consensus position of any SG Wanawit Ahkuputra GAC TH: (10:03) thank you Alan Woods (Rightside): (10:04) thank you all! Elaine Pruis-Donuts: (10:04) thanks Fabian! Matthias Pfeifer .berlin: (10:04) Thanks to all, bye Panus: (10:04) Thanak you all Yoshiro Yoneya (JPRS): (10:04) thank you, bye! Nick Shorey - UK GAC representative: (10:04) thanks all Peter Green (CONAC): (10:04) bye all