05:30:13 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : Hello, Good morning all! 05:30:43 From Brenda Brewer to Everyone : Good day! 05:30:47 From Olévié Kouami to Everyone : Greetings from Sénégal 05:30:53 From Claire Craig to Everyone : Good Morning 05:31:06 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar to Everyone : Greetings Bruna 05:33:08 From Rafik Dammak to Everyone : hello all 05:33:18 From Maryam Bakoshi to Everyone : Hi all, welcome! 05:33:36 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : I do, tomslin! Talking points with the ceo 05:33:46 From Vrikson Acosta to Everyone : Greetings everyone 05:34:09 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : Thank you! 05:36:08 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : Do we have anyone on the Charter drafting team? 05:36:57 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : Great, thanks for doing that Tomslin! 05:37:01 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : yes 05:47:29 From Farzaneh Badi(e)i to Everyone : WE can’t have 100 cochairs. Consensus can’t happen. Just because someone belong to a stakeholder group doesn’t mean they are by default not neutral 05:48:19 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : I agree that it is concerning Rafik, which is why I brought it up. As for the representative structure….we had to have that after the free for all rabble experience we had on the previous group, where we had 150 folks. 06:00:01 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : Exactly, and of course it has been shown by the courts that domains are property….just not the property of the registrars, in this case.... 06:01:50 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar to Everyone : I don't think this one will go for more than 20mins 06:02:12 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar to Everyone : sorry...*I think :-) 06:02:26 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : Sadly yes 06:09:47 From Juan Manuel Rojas to Everyone : good morning here to everyone. Apologize for being late 06:10:35 From KRIS SEEBURN to Everyone : for the India bank bankruptcy : it’s being held by the National ministry of finance there for now but will be litigated by the court but is under the reserve Bank of India 06:11:28 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : Thanks Kris! 06:11:52 From Wisdom Donkor to Everyone : +1 Stephanie 06:12:09 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : Oh, I can be disruptive! 06:16:19 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : To me, we should avoid sending vaguely worded contentious issues to the Board to resolve 06:17:04 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : As a Council, we should come down firmly and drop the two recs that have significant opposition. To do otherwise leaves the Board open to lobbying 06:18:01 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : Exactly Tat! Go figure is not a responsible choice for the Council to offer the Board 06:18:43 From Rafik Dammak to Everyone : board can decide anything on any recommendation and come back to council with questions for any rec, those not approved 06:19:32 From Rafik Dammak to Everyone : we can make bets on how many recommendations :) 06:19:32 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : Sure they can, but we don’t need to invite them to do so by failing to take a decision 06:20:57 From Rafik Dammak to Everyone : @avri board can be creative :) 06:21:08 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : It would be most expeditious to request comments on the two rejected and contentious recs that we did not accept….. 06:21:19 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : At the same time 06:21:54 From Rafik Dammak to Everyone : @tanya there is no dependency? 06:23:00 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar to Everyone : Yeah, that's my understanding too that there are no dependencies 06:29:51 From Tatiana Tropina to Everyone : Thanks all, leaving now — will listen to the recording on the last 30 min 06:30:00 From Tatiana Tropina to Everyone : *of the last 30 min 06:34:02 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : SSAD and Content Moderation On a recent communication that was sent to the Board and to you, we asked a few questions regarding an "ICANN Org Comments on the Recommendations 01/2020 on Measures That Supplement Transfer Tools to Ensure Compliance With the EU Level of Protection of Personal Data". NCSGs letter was seeking clarification about an specific part of the statement that highlighted that SSAD was "instrumental for stopping and preventing the dissemination of illegal content and in order to avoid related societal harms". On that note, I would like to ask you how the development of a new System for Standardized Access/Disclosure falls within the realm of instruments for preventing the dissemination of illegal content ? When the document mentions the prevention of the dissemination of illegal content and societal harm, does it relate to factors other than the access to information object of legitimate requests by legal authorities and/or related to investigations ? 06:34:16 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : DNS Abuse and the DNS Security Facilitation Initiative Technical Study Group Do you believe ICANN is working towards security and stability and fighting DNS abuse as much as its mission allows? Are there grounds for improvement ? Comment: NCSG has recently formed its own task-force for studying and defining its own understanding of DNS abuse and possible mitigation opportunities from a digital rights/civil society perspective. NCSG would also like to know more about the DNS Security Facilitation Initiative Technical Study Group. Where does this technical study group fall within ICANNs strategy for dealing with DNS abuse? 06:36:40 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : Voice is faint Farzi 06:36:43 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : Your audio is v. Low, Farz 06:36:55 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : yes 06:36:57 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : Much better 06:37:49 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : Yes, Farzi! I am thinking about rewriting that. 06:37:52 From stephanieeperrin to Everyone : I agree, we should avoid that expession 06:38:20 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : Thanks ! 06:40:28 From Farzaneh Badiei to Everyone : Do we have reps on that panel? 06:40:56 From Farzaneh Badiei to Everyone : it’s an all gov panel? … 06:41:23 From Farzaneh Badiei to Everyone : Is it gov and BC? Hehe much better 06:44:24 From Farzaneh Badiei to Everyone : what is US doing there? They don’t have a specific law... 06:44:41 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar to Everyone : :-) 06:46:36 From Farzaneh Badiei to Everyone : It’s really astonishing. Or rather it is not astonishing anymore… they are looking for a chance to make WHOIS public again. Such respect for multistakeholder processes ... 06:46:51 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : Yes, and I will send an email to the list again today 06:46:59 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : Agree with you Steph 06:47:44 From KRIS SEEBURN to Everyone : yes US will not adopt GDPR.... they will be bringing something new 06:48:29 From Farzaneh Badiei to Everyone : Thanks everyone. 06:48:37 From Bruna Martins dos Santos to Everyone : Thanks all 06:48:38 From Farzaneh Badiei to Everyone : Thanks Tomslin 06:48:48 From Juan Manuel Rojas to Everyone : thanks all 06:48:48 From Maryam Bakoshi to Everyone : Thank you all. Good bye