In order to do formal business between meetings RSSAC adopts the following procedures for electronic voting: Call for a Vote Any committee member can at any time submit a proposal for electronic voting and act as "Vote Administrator (VA)". The Proposal The VA poses the proposal to the Board of Trustees and gives a time limit for initial comment (typically two weeks). Amended Proposals At the close of that limit, or more frequently if comments are substantial, the VA recasts the proposal in light of what he sees as an emerging consensus and items for continuing discussion. As long as, in the judgement of the VA, new information is emerging from the discussions, the issue will be periodically restated with a new time limit for response. Closure for voting When it is the judgement of the VA that further discussion on the issue is not meaningful, or at the request of another committee member, the proposal is called for electronic voting with a dead-line for voting. Votes must be sent to the committee list so that all members can audit the outcome. Requirements For an electronic vote to be conclusive, the vote of the majority of the committee members must be received. It is up to the VA to make sure that the majority votes (this may require phone calls, etc.). Voting options The electronic voting options are: Yes/No/Abstention/Veto. The veto option is to be selected by a trustee if he determines that the issue has not been vetted to his satisfaction and therefore wishes to reopen discussion. Results of a veto Upon a veto, the in-progress electronic vote is cancelled and the process reverts to the discussion stage or is referred to an in-person meeting at the VA's discretion. Change of vote Up to the time the VA has announced the result, any member may change his vote, including a veto. Result Upon resolution of an electronic vote (closure or referral to an in-person meeting), the VA will state the issue and the result to the chair for recording in the relevant minutes. Conditions for positive vote A proposal is accepted if the majority of the committee members give a positive vote. For decisions where a larger majority is required in committee procedures, that will prevail. Ratification Decisions will be placed on the agenda of the next committee meeting for ratification. No irreversible action should be taken based on an electronic vote before it is ratified in a formal meeting.