The RSSAC Caucus 1. Purpose The purpose of the caucus is - to define a well defined pool of motivated experts to whom RSSAC can turn to for getting work done, - to provide transparency to the community at large about the people doing the work, and - to provide a framework for the causus participants to formalise their a availability and to execute the work. 2. Principles The RSSAC caucus is the group of people that produce RSSAC documents, such as reports and advisories. The RSSAC caucus consists of all members of RSSAC as well as other persons appointed by RSSAC. Each member of the caucus maintains a public description of their willingness and motivation to help produce RSSAC documents, their relevant expertise and their formal interests in the work area of RSSAC. Normally RSSAC accepts all seariously motivated offers to participate in the caucus. Once RSSAC decides to take up work on a docuemnt, it may ask caucus members to produce the document and submit it to RSSAC for formal action. RSSAC maintains a record of caucus members and their contributions to RSSAC documents. 3. Procedures Caucus Selection RSSAC periodically issues calls for participation in the caucus, normally in January of each year. RSSAC periodically reviews the composition of the caucus and adds or removes members, normally once each quarter. On request of the person concerned RSSAC publicly motivates its decision to refuse to add a paerson to the caucus or to remove a person from the caucus. RSSAC delegates the task of communicating with people about joining or leaving the caucus to a membership committee. Caucus Work RSSAC normally involves the caucus in the production of substantial documents. RSSAC defines and publishes the initial scope of the document to be produced and the date by which is has to be submitted to RSSAC for action. RSSAC requests one or more caucus members to lead the production of a document. Document leaders actively involve other caucus members, specifically any caucus members that volunteer. Document leaders report to RSSAC about progress at regular intervals and on specific request. If it considers progress insufficient, RSSAC may appoint new document leaders or take other action to progress the document. Once the document leaders consider the document ready, they pass it to RSSAC for formal action. RSSAC may ask the caucus to do specific furhter work on a document. Caucus members may submit personal opinions about documents to RSSAC at any time, specifically once the document has been passed to RSSAC for action. RSSAC may also ask caucus members for advice and opinions about RSSAC business. Caucus members will recieve credit for their wok on specific documents. Bootstrapping RSSAC will invite people who participated in the previous RSSAC to join the caucus, specifically those subscribed to the previous RSSAC mailing list. RSSAC will notify the ICANN supporting organisations about the caucus. RSSAC members will publish their preferred work areas, their relevant expertise and their formal interests in the work area of RSSAC.