00:08:32 David McAuley (Verisign): I regret to say that I must leave the meeting at 25 minutes past 00:17:03 Olga Cavalli: Please note I will not be able to join meeting on 27 June, apologies 00:17:58 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: End July: survey to be finalised September: ccTLD community responds to the survey October: small team analyses the results ICANN81, 9–14 November 2024: presentation initial results 00:22:54 Olga Cavalli: Reacted to "End July: survey to ..." with πŸ‘ 00:28:26 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: How to submit: https://community.icann.org/x/DoWZDg Library: https://community.icann.org/x/Ege7Cg The repository is temporarily housed on the community wiki. It is expected to migrate to the new ccNSO website, with it’s own dynamic page 00:30:50 David McAuley (Verisign): I must leave now, best wishes all 00:32:27 Olga Cavalli: Perhaps for consumer protection we may contact GAC reps form Africa region 00:36:24 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: Please add us in copy, Mary πŸ™‚ 00:36:47 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: Excellent wil doo 00:42:54 Olga Cavalli: Oh I was mistaken, 27 June is ok for me same time 00:43:59 Olga Cavalli: Can we rotate times? 00:44:14 Chris Disspain: perhaps we could discuss that with BRUCE IN KIGALI 00:44:16 Mary Uduma: Reacted to Can we rotate times? with "πŸ‘" 00:44:18 Chris Disspain: oops 00:44:50 Tatiana Tropina: Yes we have so many people 00:45:02 Tatiana Tropina: Survey is a sad one for Bruce