00:14:23 Ирина Данелия: Hi all, apologies for being late 00:18:23 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: For the notes from today’s meeting, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EU2_kG8wvEPCJECXiQahIpLe23IAEdDNpz14W2u6ZPk/edit?usp=sharing 00:20:50 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Welcome Pablo 00:23:39 Pablo Rodriguez -Councilor: Hi Sean and all, apologies for the tardiness 00:27:50 Alejandra Reynoso: Segun, it seems like your headset might not be fully plugged to your device. There is a bit of connecting noise. 00:44:08 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: As a question for world face… Are there any procedural changes you would suggest that might make the voting process more engaging or easier to participate in? 00:44:29 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: World cafe… typed to fast 00:49:49 Irina Danelia: Reacted to "World cafe… typed to..." with 👍 00:52:33 Pablo Rodriguez -Councilor: Providing a brief summary of the issue that is being addressed. 01:02:14 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: These slides were repurposed from the Anniversary Session World Cafe 01:02:33 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Reacted to "These slides were re..." with 👍🏻 01:03:53 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: Regarding Irina’s question, whether new members are aware of their role, here is the template new members receive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wgYjuT9vkRv2kQJgKZdlsp4Fnk8VCMobtjszOEppKPk/edit?usp=sharing 01:04:20 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: See skype Claudia 01:06:51 Irina Danelia: Replying to "Regarding Irina’s qu..." Your ccTLD can participate in policy development for ccTLDs and will have a vote on all policies developed by the ccNSO ==>> Your duty is to participate in voting 01:07:43 Irina Danelia: Replying to "Regarding Irina’s qu..." Sorry, I'm too fast to suggest solutions 01:07:56 Alejandra Reynoso: Reacted to "Sorry, I'm too fast ..." with 🌟 01:08:03 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: "There's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter." 01:08:06 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Replying to "Regarding Irina’s qu..." It’s ok, Irina… I get it!!! 01:08:46 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: “If you don’t vote, you lose the right to complain.” 01:09:13 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: It's not enough to just want change ... You have to go and make change by voting. 01:11:17 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: Flip charts, tablecloth and google doc 01:11:26 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Ikea paper rolls again? 01:11:40 Pablo Rodriguez -Councilor: Reacted to "Ikea paper rolls aga..." with 👍 01:11:53 Irina Danelia: Is there IKEA in Kigali? 01:11:54 Alejandra Reynoso: Time check? ⏰ 01:11:58 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: I’ll be there in spirit 01:12:09 Pablo Rodriguez -Councilor: Reacted to "Is there IKEA in Kig..." with 😂 01:12:15 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Reacted to "Time check? ⏰ " with 🐧 01:12:20 Pablo Rodriguez -Councilor: Reacted to "I’ll be there in spi..." with 😯 01:12:21 Alejandra Reynoso: Reacted to "I’ll be there in spi..." with 🌟