00:20:46 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: Hi Sean, we will move on to the admin matters while you connect 00:23:53 sean: Hi guys… just on as participant. Sitting in a restaurant with loud group beside me 00:25:18 Pablo Rodriguez: No concerns from my part 00:32:12 sean: Ok that's fair. Logistics makes sense 00:32:12 David McAuley (Verisign): +1 Alejandra and Stephen 00:32:35 Pablo Rodriguez: +1 Ale 00:32:49 Irina Danelia: +1 Ale 00:32:57 Svitlana Tkachenko: +1 Alejandra 00:35:30 Alejandra Reynoso: Only note taking, of course ;) 00:38:57 Alejandra Reynoso: At least councillors might be there, since it is before council meeting 😉 00:39:12 Pablo Rodriguez: Reacted to "At least councillors..." with 👍 00:39:24 Irina Danelia: square tables will work I believe 00:39:30 Bart Boswinkel - ICANN Org: And GRC persons 00:39:40 Pablo Rodriguez: Reacted to "square tables will w..." with 👍 00:39:42 sean: Reacted to "square tables will w…" with 👍 00:41:31 David McAuley (Verisign): and ask participants to help move chairs back into place afterward 00:41:49 sean: Reacted to "and ask participants…" with 👍 00:42:11 Alejandra Reynoso: Reacted to "and ask participants..." with 🌟 00:42:53 Irina Danelia: Reacted to "and ask participants..." with 👍 00:46:04 David McAuley (Verisign): not I 00:46:26 Pablo Rodriguez: Kim share the link once again 00:46:29 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: over the weekend. 00:46:39 Pablo Rodriguez: Replying to "Kim share the link o..." Please 00:48:12 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: Looks OK to me but I'll re-read. 00:48:24 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: Purpose is fine. 00:49:33 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z1c6MErI2BDJ52rWjUdoTV51EqfYJ1mx/edit 00:49:42 Pablo Rodriguez: Reacted to "https://docs.google...." with 👍 00:49:52 David McAuley (Verisign): good point, Bart - could happen even if unlikely 00:50:03 David McAuley (Verisign): overlap, that is 00:50:04 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: Wow... If we ended up with an overlapping situation the model would be really broken in my view... 00:50:17 David McAuley (Verisign): True, Stephen 00:52:05 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: An alternate makes sense. 00:52:24 David McAuley (Verisign): good idea 00:55:30 Pablo Rodriguez: +1 Irina 00:55:40 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: Chop it. 00:59:08 Alejandra Reynoso: It doesn't hurt to be precise and clarify (misinterpretation should be avoided) 00:59:15 Pablo Rodriguez: Then it makes sense to make it clearer 01:02:30 sean: It's not so much alignment as so much there might be an educational component required purely because of circumstance 01:04:23 David McAuley (Verisign): But this does not affect Katrina 01:05:44 Mirjana Tasić (.rs & .срб): +1 for David discussion 01:06:02 Pablo Rodriguez: +1 David 01:06:04 sean: David’s point has merit 01:08:25 David McAuley (Verisign): good clarification, Kim, if we keep it 01:10:01 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: Segun your line was breaking up 01:10:16 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: Please type your comments 01:10:38 segun.akano@upperlink.ng: hyprid between the two opinions is essential 01:11:43 segun.akano@upperlink.ng: Anyone affliated though not a cctld manager should be able to raise an issue, subject to evaluation by council 01:14:10 Alejandra Reynoso: I need to leave in 3 min. 01:14:57 David McAuley (Verisign): it starts on date of receipt of petition, no? 01:15:05 sean: I like to do a grammar and style pass but usually at the end @irina. It's an ongoing goal to have a ccNSO manual of style 01:15:24 segun.akano@upperlink.ng: ok Alejandra, thanks 01:15:27 David McAuley (Verisign): receipt by the Decisional Participanbt 01:16:48 Alejandra Reynoso: Thank you! Bye all :) 01:17:03 Pablo Rodriguez: Bye Ale 01:17:13 sean: Bye AJ 01:21:44 David McAuley (Verisign): two business days - that can be a while 01:23:12 David McAuley (Verisign): admin yes - unanimous makes sense 01:23:24 David McAuley (Verisign): admin check 01:25:14 David McAuley (Verisign): the overall 21-day period is 21 days, not 21 business days, point of clarification 01:26:11 Irina Danelia: I need to leave on 11 minutes 01:26:41 Svitlana Tkachenko: I am sorry, I need to leave 01:26:59 segun.akano@upperlink.ng: ok pls 01:31:35 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks Segun, Bart and all 01:32:22 sean: Thanks David for your contributions over the years 01:32:35 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: Nothing, thank you 01:32:36 David McAuley (Verisign): Many thanks, Sean 01:32:41 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: Thank you again David 01:32:51 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks Kim - 01:33:09 sean: Thanks all.