00:19:37 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO council: Wiki: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=320405765 00:21:47 Chris Disspain - Council: given that most of us belong in an institution I imagine we will be in touch 00:22:02 Nick Wenban-Smith (Nominet) ccNSO Council: Reacted to "given that most of u..." with 😂 00:22:06 Peter Koch - DE - ccNSOcouncil: Reacted to "given that most of u..." with 😂 00:22:40 Jordan’s iPad: Thank YOU Tatiana 00:22:43 Jordan’s iPad: Reacted to "given that most of u…" with 😂 00:22:49 Tatiana Tropina Resigned :-(: Thank YOU all 🙂 00:22:51 Pablo Rodriguez - .pr ccNSO Council: Reacted to "Thank YOU all 🙂" with 👏 00:22:55 Tatiana Tropina Resigned :-(: I will stay for a while 🙂 00:22:58 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Thank YOU all 🙂" with 👏 00:23:05 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: THANK YOU!!! 00:23:13 Nick Wenban-Smith (Nominet) ccNSO Council: Thank you - and yes of course the ccTLD community is the BEST!! 00:23:13 Hadia’s iPhone: Best of luck Tatiana 00:23:15 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Reacted to "Thank YOU all 🙂" with 👏🏻 00:23:18 Peter Koch - DE - ccNSOcouncil: Thank YOU, hope to see you with the ISOC hat! 00:23:27 Jiankang Yao ccNSO council: Thank YOU Tatiana 00:23:33 Tatiana Tropina Resigned :-(: Reacted to "Thank YOU Tatiana" with 💜 00:23:33 Hadia’s iPhone: Reacted to "Thank you - and yes …" with 👍 00:24:07 Lu ai-chin (ccNSO councilor): Wishing you all the best! 00:25:24 Tatiana Tropina Resigned :-(: Reacted to "Wishing you all the ..." with 💜 00:25:30 Tatiana Tropina Resigned :-(: Reacted to "Thank YOU, hope to s..." with 💜 00:25:34 Tatiana Tropina Resigned :-(: Reacted to "Best of luck Tatiana" with 💜 00:25:38 Tatiana Tropina Resigned :-(: Reacted to "Thank you - and yes ..." with 💜 00:25:42 Tatiana Tropina Resigned :-(: Reacted to "THANK YOU!!!" with 💜 00:25:46 Tatiana Tropina Resigned :-(: Reacted to "Thank YOU Tatiana" with 💜 00:30:35 ALI Hadji- Km [ccNSO Council]: Hello everyone 00:47:33 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/about/members.htm 00:53:04 Peter Koch - DE - ccNSOcouncil: The “invitation” should not be a vehicle in an ion-country dispute about the ccTLD(s) 00:53:15 Peter Koch - DE - ccNSOcouncil: S/ion/in/ 00:53:57 Jordan’s iPad: If we are going to personalise the letters, we could only ever send it to the entity listed in the IANA database 00:54:07 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Reacted to "If we are going to p..." with 👍🏻 00:54:13 demi: I will have do leave the meeting in 10 minutes… Good to see all of you… 00:54:28 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO council: thank you Demi 01:03:13 demi: See all of you in “Constantinople”, aka Istambul…🙂 01:04:29 Jordan’s iPad: Reacted to "See all of you in “C…" with 👌 01:05:42 Chris Disspain - Council: isn’t the next step from acceptance an IRT which we will involved in?? 01:06:51 Pablo Rodriguez - .pr ccNSO Council: Reacted to "See all of you in “C..." with 👍 01:07:19 Jordan’s iPad: It’s a new process 01:09:03 Jordan’s iPad: Also think that having the group work thru the process we just did of people from the PDPWG and also NOT from the PDPWG was quite helpful in coming up with the responses that we have - a good blend of perspectives. 01:09:04 bart.boswinkel: https://ccnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/field-attached/outline-ccnso-policy-implementation-assistance-process-21sep23-en.pdf 01:10:11 Chris Disspain - Council: Reacted to "Also think that havi..." with 👍🏻 01:12:15 Chris Disspain - Council: I agree 01:15:43 Jordan Carter (cncl): Quite the efforts 01:17:40 Chris Disspain - Council: No! 01:18:11 Peter Koch - DE - ccNSOcouncil: At least ICANN submitted and delivered a GDC statement earlier today .. 01:21:16 Jordan Carter (cncl): Reacted to "At least ICANN submi…" with 👌 01:23:04 Jordan Carter (cncl): I am going to drop off - see you all next time 01:23:26 Nick Wenban-Smith (Nominet) ccNSO Council: "Perfection is the enemy of the good" is the expression in English :) 01:23:29 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Good night Jordan 01:24:20 Peter Koch - DE - ccNSOcouncil: Reacted to "I am going to drop o..." with 👏 01:25:15 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO council: Reacted to ""Perfection is the e..." with 🌟 01:25:22 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO council: Reacted to "I am going to drop o..." with 🌟 01:25:28 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO council: Night Jordan 01:26:55 Nick Wenban-Smith (Nominet) ccNSO Council: Rwanda was nice and cheap ... 01:27:05 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: +1 Chris. Let's revive this! 01:27:12 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Reacted to "I am going to drop o..." with 🌟 01:27:28 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: Pago Pago is out of the question unless we do it on a cruise ship from Auckland! ;-) 01:27:32 Chris Disspain - Council: Puerto Rico! As long as Pablo will stop talking about it!! 01:27:41 Pablo Rodriguez - .pr ccNSO Council: I say every North American meeting in march should be celebrated in Puerto Rico 01:27:44 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Puerto Rico! As long..." with 😂 01:27:57 Chris Disspain - Council: and….I rest my case 01:28:26 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: Have we met in Puerto Rico? I don't remember Pablo mentioning it... 01:28:59 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: Can the block schedule diagram be circulated to Council after this call please? 01:29:02 Chris Disspain - Council: I could be wrong but I think we have been there…just hard to remember when or what happened 01:30:42 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Can the block schedu..." with 👍🏼 01:31:48 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: Having the Approval Action Forum on the morning of the last day is frankly an insult to the ECA. 01:31:49 Pablo Rodriguez - .pr ccNSO Council: Reacted to "Puerto Rico! As long..." with 😂 01:32:13 Pablo Rodriguez - .pr ccNSO Council: Reacted to "Pago Pago is out of ..." with 👍 01:32:24 Pablo Rodriguez - .pr ccNSO Council: Reacted to "Have we met in Puert..." with 😂 01:32:29 Chris Disspain - Council: it has traditionally always been been at that time 01:33:13 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: Did we do the first one that late? (You were doing the jig for the Board as I recall...) 01:33:34 Pablo Rodriguez - .pr ccNSO Council: Replying to "I could be wrong but..." Not long ennough 01:37:53 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: I remind my prior remarks. My cynicism regarding all things ICANN sometimes gets ahead of me. Thank you Chris. 01:39:00 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-09aug24-en.htm 01:39:06 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: Here is the invite to the survey 01:39:36 wafa Dahmani-ccNSO Councillor: Reacted to "Here is the invite t..." with 👍 01:42:01 Tatiana Tropina Resigned :-(: Thank you all! See you all soon 🙂