00:17:41 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: Wiki: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=320405741 00:25:40 Chris Disspain - Council: this is an opportunity for the g and c registries to work together 00:27:30 Nick Wenban-Smith (Nominet) ccNSO Council: Reacted to "this is an opportuni..." with 👍 00:28:10 Pablo Rodriguez - ccNSO Council: Reacted to "this is an opportuni..." with 👍 00:28:15 Chris Disspain - Council: are the gnso appointees from the registry stakeholder group of the gnso as a whole???? 00:28:21 Chris Disspain - Council: or 00:28:25 Chris Disspain - Council: not of 00:29:05 Peter Koch | Council: gTLDs registries, probably appointed by the RySG 00:29:12 Chris Disspain - Council: excellent 00:42:16 Peter Koch | Council: Plenary should be co-convened by the cctLDs 00:45:37 Jordan Carter (ccNSO Cncl - .au): Replying to "Plenary should be co..." I don't quite understand this suggestion? 00:54:16 Demi Getschko (.br) ccNSO council: There is no “resolution text” in the screen 00:55:04 Chris Disspain - Council: Given that neither Nick nor I are listed on the agenda that will need to be amend I susapect 00:56:17 bart.boswinkel: @Chris: You and Nick separate on-line 00:56:22 bart.boswinkel: decision 00:56:31 Chris Disspain - Council: cool 00:56:34 bart.boswinkel: In time before meeting 01:05:27 Olga Cavalli - ccNSO council member nomcom: Aploogies no hand, just confused with geen tick 01:10:29 Jenifer López - ccNSO Council: Same as Peter said. 01:15:59 Tatiana Tropina ccnso Council NCA: Agree with Chris 01:16:12 Jordan Carter (ccNSO Cncl - .au): I agree wit chris 01:16:35 Jordan Carter (ccNSO Cncl - .au): there should be a new meeting strategy WG to deal with such a thing 01:17:36 Tatiana Tropina ccnso Council NCA: It should be a Cross Community WG indeed 01:19:14 Chris Disspain - Council: it is the ‘need’ to save money that led to Mary’s letter… 01:21:13 Jordan Carter (ccNSO Cncl - .au): Mary's letter is really Sally's proposal 01:21:58 Jordan Carter (ccNSO Cncl - .au): I am happy to help draft something on this one - SO/AC wrong, community WG needs to be chartered, timeline needs to be sensible 01:22:13 Tatiana Tropina ccnso Council NCA: And “money” argument will always get counterarguments from the areas with poor internet connection where volunteers have hard time to attend online meetings etc. Sustainability is a different level argument 01:22:27 Chris Disspain - Council: if Jordan starts I will contribute 01:22:45 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Sure 01:23:02 Nick Wenban-Smith (Nominet) ccNSO Council: If it's a financial push then that should be done through the usual budget approval process, am also happy to help with drafting 01:23:25 Jordan Carter (ccNSO Cncl - .au): Reacted to "If it's a financial ..." with ➕ 01:23:41 Tatiana Tropina ccnso Council NCA: All, I apologise — have to drop in 5 minutes. Have a lovely day everyone. 01:24:11 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: Thank you Tatiana 01:24:17 Pablo Rodriguez - ccNSO Council: Have a Good day Tatiana 01:25:06 Jordan Carter (ccNSO Cncl - .au): I also have to drop in 5, to farewell a colleague - my apols in advance for the last few mins 01:25:18 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: Thank you Jordan 01:25:34 Pablo Rodriguez - ccNSO Council: Be well Jordan 01:26:13 Tatiana Tropina ccnso Council NCA: Reacted to "Thank you Tatiana" with ❤️ 01:26:16 Tatiana Tropina ccnso Council NCA: Reacted to "Have a Good day Tati…" with ❤️ 01:41:53 Pablo Rodriguez - ccNSO Council: No objection from me on any of the principles 01:43:05 Irina Danelia: thanks Pablo 01:43:57 Chris Disspain - Council: is it worth having a dedicated call on this?? 01:44:29 Chris Disspain - Council: I believe the dates are ‘flexible’ 01:44:41 Olga Cavalli - ccNSO council member nomcom: Reacted to "is it worth having a…" with 👍 01:45:17 Demi Getschko (.br) ccNSO council: I will have to leave now.Thanks to all… 01:45:24 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: Thank you Demi 01:49:44 Chris Disspain - Council: if I cold have an email pf the pp rather than the wiki please 01:50:06 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Reacted to "if I cold have an em..." with 👍🏻