00:20:24 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=291799162 00:21:42 Laura Margolis: congratulations Olga! 00:22:01 Biyi Oladipo (.ng ccNSO Council): Congratulations Olga 00:22:05 wafa Dahmani |ccNSO Councilor: Congratulations 00:22:20 Jenifer López - ccNSO Council: Congrats Olga 00:23:24 Olga Cavalli - council member Nomcom App: Thanks all! Muchas grascias!! 00:25:21 Olga Cavalli - council member Nomcom App: I would like to join you, good ida 00:25:22 Chris Disspain - Council: did younsaybregistries?? 00:25:23 Olga Cavalli - council member Nomcom App: idea 00:26:29 Pablo Rodriguez - ccNSO Council: please zoom in the document 00:26:54 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: @Pablo Rodriguez - ccNSO Council better? 00:27:01 Pablo Rodriguez - ccNSO Council: Reacted to "@Pablo Rodriguez - c..." with 👍 00:27:29 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: The written updates will be circulated after the meeting. Apologies for the delay 00:36:36 Nick Wenban-Smith .UK: @Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council I'm back in the Zoom now so ready when you are for the OISC review update (very short) 00:36:56 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: you come next :) 00:49:30 Jordan Carter (.au, Council): Good to note too that the group is a sounding board or think tank - it doesn’t have decision making roles or replace any of the roles of the SOs and ACs 00:49:52 Chris Disspain - Council: Reacted to "Good to note too tha..." with 👍🏻 01:00:28 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: https://ccnso.icann.org/about/roles-responsibilities-council-30jun23-en.pdf 01:02:16 Chris Disspain - Council: it’s you 01:02:18 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Coucil NCA: Link works for me 01:02:32 wafa Dahmani |ccNSO Councilor: Fine for me too 01:10:31 Chris Disspain - Council: I am interested 01:11:32 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Coucil NCA: Am a part of GRC but I missed a few last calls because they conflicted with other scheduled things. 😭 01:12:05 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Replying to "Am a part of GRC but..." It’s all good! 🙂 01:12:19 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Coucil NCA: Reacted to "It’s all good! 🙂" with ☺️ 01:37:13 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: ccNSO ICANN79 Links to bookmark now ccNSO Schedule     https://community.icann.org/x/MIEJEQ ccNSO Session Highlights     https://community.icann.org/x/jIEvEQ Tech Day https://community.icann.org/x/T4EJEQ 01:43:56 wafa Dahmani |ccNSO Councilor: I need to leave for 5 minutes I need to pick up my son and come back 01:44:36 Pablo Rodriguez - ccNSO Council: Reacted to "I need to leave for ..." with 👍 01:44:40 Chris Disspain - Council: world cafe 01:44:53 Jenifer López - ccNSO Council: World cafe 01:45:23 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: To RSVP: https://forms.gle/inCeiwCdYGtcXZSg9 01:45:59 Olga Cavalli - council member Nomcom App: I am interested in join the registar meeting 01:46:01 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: Would be interested 01:46:24 Biyi Oladipo (.ng ccNSO Council): Happy to join 01:46:35 wafa Dahmani |ccNSO Councilor: Happy to join too 01:46:50 Nick Wenban-Smith .UK: Ditto 01:46:52 Olga Cavalli - council member Nomcom App: Agree with Chris 01:47:04 Ali Hadji.-km [ccNSO Council]: Hi all, just to inform you that I didnt get an appointemen t for the visa. I'll attend remotly 01:47:44 Pablo Rodriguez - ccNSO Council: me too 01:47:58 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: Sorry to hear ali 01:48:04 Jenifer López - ccNSO Council: Bye all!