Call Notes: CSG BOP WG call Thurs 5th January 2012 15.00 UTC Version 1 5th Jan Attendees Chris Chaplow (Chair) Marilyn Cade BC Ron Andruff BC Steve Metalitz IPC Tony Holmes ISP Xavier Calvez (staff) Janice Douma Lange (staff) Juan Ojeda (staff) Apologies J Scott Evans IPC Jaime Wagner ISP This call was a Q&A about the SO-AC support Requests for the FY13 Budget Key Answer Points • This is for additional requests for items no in the current ICANN budget. • The 500k $ is a place holder for all AC-SO requests • Toolkit is separate and above and beyond these requests • All requests can be on one template form with supporting explanation attachment • Equally requests can be on multiple forms if that suits the SO-AC • ICANN FY13 budget will be 2-3% growth on FY12 • Plans to ‘suggest a process to collectively determine which of additional requests will be retained’ and involve community in that. • Deadline 20th January 2012 with grace period up to 31 January. • MC & JDL agreed to set up Outreach Call before next council meeting. • Reminder of Group Wiki (thanks Bene) • Framework Budget kick off call proposed by XC shortly after January 17th. CC/BR to organize Doodle. BC request outline Officer Travel BC Newsletter and other collateral Secretariat travel Outreach and awareness BC event / meetings BC Leadership development program IPC Iners sec meet (sp?) Officer Travel Secretariat Support Outreach in a under-representated region Outreach in a IP under-representated region ISP In line with above