00:10:21 Irina Danelia: Replying to "Happy Birthday!🎈" Thank you! 00:27:52 Irina Danelia: Great idea to show both calendar year and fiscal year. Much easier to understand 00:28:20 Andreas Musielak: Reacted to "Great idea to show b..." with 👍 00:28:22 Paul Guevarra - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Great idea to show b..." with 👍 00:30:39 Paul Guevarra - ICANN Org: Please find the strategic planning wiki page link here https://community.icann.org/display/projfinadhocws/FY26-30+Strategic+Plan+Development 00:32:39 Bart Boswinkel - ICANN Org: That wil be the Tuesday in Hamburg during ICANN78 00:36:19 Becky Nash - ICANN Org: 16 November is the current date 00:36:21 Irina Danelia: Tuesday's agenda seems to be quite busy already for ccNSO 00:59:15 Irina Danelia: yes, thank you 01:00:18 Xavier Calvez - ICANN Org: Andreas is pressing on a sensitive point for me… 🤨 01:01:35 Andreas Musielak: Replying to "Andreas is pressing ..." we will pay special attention to it 😉 01:13:51 Becky Nash - ICANN Org: We can switch to the PDF sent out. 01:16:43 Paul Guevarra - ICANN Org: Line 6 I believe is highlighted. Can we scroll down please? 01:17:04 Paul Guevarra - ICANN Org: Thank you 01:19:37 Becky Nash - ICANN Org: Bart that is a good approach and then we can identify opportunities to have engagements on certain topics. 01:22:38 Becky Nash - ICANN Org: Planning and Finance will be attending these meetings 01:22:46 Hadia’s iPhone: Thank you all 01:22:51 Xavier Calvez - ICANN Org: Thank you 01:22:53 Xavier Calvez - ICANN Org: For your time 01:22:53 Hadia’s iPhone: Bye 01:22:57 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: Thank you! Bye 01:22:58 Paul Guevarra - ICANN Org: Thank you everyone! 01:23:03 Nicholas Lisse: bye