00:24:29 Irina Danelia: Apologies, I just realized I sent the doc with my comments to Bart only, not to the entire list 00:27:58 Peter Koch: technically, this is not about “DNS caching”, but external references to that domain name, say in URLs 00:28:20 Peter Koch: tnx 00:29:19 Irina Danelia: Assessment column needs to be updated accordingly 00:29:32 Peter Koch: thanks for the adjustment, like it 00:30:05 Peter Koch: the assessment column now needs an update, but that’s an edit only 00:52:56 Bart Boswinkel - ICANN Org: IDNccTLD are strongly advised to check public comment on changes RZ-LGR 00:57:34 Hadia’s iPhone: I can speak now 00:58:38 Dennis Tan (GNSO IDN EPDP): +1 Hadia, re:make it explicit 01:00:02 Dennis Tan (GNSO IDN EPDP): Replying to "+1 Hadia, re:make it..." This outcome is consistent with the GNSO IDN EPDP 01:00:45 Hadia Elminiawi: Reacted to "This outcome is co..." with 👍 01:02:07 Michael Bauland: can we scroll down a bit? 01:02:25 Michael Bauland: thanks 01:06:26 Hadia Elminiawi: Thank you 01:06:33 Hadia Elminiawi: this is also how I understand it 01:13:04 Bart Boswinkel - ICANN Org: What if the delegation of a Delegatable variant IDNccTLD string is requested before the delegation of the Selected IDNccTLD? 01:19:30 Katrina Sataki: Apologies, Patricio and I need to jump to another call! It was great seeing you all! Thank you! 01:20:31 Jeffrey Bedser: Apologies, standing conflict at the top of the hour, I need to drop. 01:32:41 Peter Koch: apologies, need to leave 01:54:41 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: Great plan 01:55:00 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: Bye Bye 01:55:05 Hadia Elminiawi: Thank you 01:55:06 Dennis Tan (GNSO IDN EPDP): Thank you 01:55:06 Michael Bauland: bye 01:55:07 Hadia Elminiawi: bye