00:28:28 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: PDP4 WG meeting | 18 Sept 7-8 UTC; Joint session with GAC, 20 Sept 515-630 UTC 00:28:33 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: 75 min session 00:46:59 Sarmad Hussain - ICANN Org: Yes, manual process. 00:53:06 Lu ai-chin: Do you think it is possible to take two stages? The first stage can use a system and the second stage uses the manual process. 00:53:59 Sarmad Hussain - ICANN Org: Normally there is a level of automation in the EPSRP stage, even though it is experimental. 01:24:24 Hadia El Miniawi: Our guidance need to be SSAC documents 01:29:43 Hadia El Miniawi: I know Bart I have read the recommendation 01:31:11 Jaap Akkerhuis: note also that SSAC-60 is a comment on an earlier ICANN report and is not a full blown risk assessment of variants in general 01:33:19 Lu ai-chin: both+1 01:34:27 Hadia El Miniawi: I have to leave for another meeting now - but I shall listen to the recordings 01:34:49 Anil Kumar Jain, NIXI India: Thank You Hadia for participation 01:34:54 Hadia El Miniawi: +1 harm needs to be included 01:45:02 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: The full WG got the calendar invite