00:16:47 Peter Koch: apologies for being late, my lame excuse is: other icann call overran ;-) 00:17:48 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: there is no phone bridge on Zoom, so even if someone is audio only, we will see them in Zoom 00:20:13 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: letter from Council: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/about/reynoso-to-eisner-et-al-21jul22-en.pdf 00:21:25 Bart Boswinkel - ICANN Org: we are okay 00:38:58 Peter Koch: do not disagree with Nigel; Bart's suggestion would address my remark 00:59:28 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: apologies to all for being so late 01:09:27 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: I will send cal invites for the four 6.2 sessions and for 2.2 01:10:27 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: Thank you all, bye 01:11:49 Maarten Simon - ccNSO Observer: thanks all, bye