00:17:34 Joke Braeken: Hello All 00:19:00 Dennis Tan: I see your hand Anil 00:19:04 Jaap Akkerhuis: I should likely sign up… 00:19:11 hadia Elminiawi: I shall volunteer 00:19:54 Kimberly Carlson: Hello, welcome to today’s ccPDP4 VM Subgroup teleconference on 25 January at 14:00 UTC. Attendance will be taken based on those on Zoom. Background material and recording will be posted on the wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/U8wGCw 00:20:50 Kimberly Carlson: If you’re interested in joining the new subgroup, please email: ccnsosecretariat@icann.org 00:24:16 Anil Kumar Jain, NIXI India: Thanks Dennis 00:26:04 Kimberly Carlson: Email can be found on the correspondence page: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/about/statements.htm 00:33:12 hadia Elminiawi: @Bart agree 00:33:45 hadia Elminiawi: unlike in relation to the IDN gTLDs 00:43:13 hadia Elminiawi: yes 00:47:26 Michael Bauland: he didn't break up for me 01:03:23 Lu ai-chin: From SSAC views, that variant is not equivalent. So how about assigning the same registrant but can accept not the same address. 01:03:38 hadia Elminiawi: @Sarmad - so maybe is some cases synchronization is not needed but con confusing domains is necessary 01:03:45 hadia Elminiawi: non 01:08:22 Sarmad Hussain: @hadia, there can be variation in how the policy of variant labels is implemented. In some cases, e.g. Arabic and Persian language variant labels in Arabic script, it may be desirable to point them to different websites in these different languages respectively. 01:10:47 hadia Elminiawi: @Sarmad - I agree but a case like the one you are describing does not create user confusion 01:11:58 Michael Bauland: @hadia: I think it's not really decidable whether two different Websites Display the same content just in a different language. So it may create user confusion, but that's out of scope for us, there is no way to define a Policy for that, I think 01:17:22 Dennis Tan: good conversation…. apologies for leaving, but I need to attend another call. Good bye and thank you 01:17:25 Michael Bauland: red = no opinion 01:18:23 hadia Elminiawi: @Michael how do you define "conservative"? 01:18:43 Jaap Akkerhuis: “synchronise” is policy, you can not make a generic definition 01:19:03 Lu ai-chin: @Jaap +1 01:19:49 Lu ai-chin: if ICANN make a definition, it might cause another issues. 01:20:01 Michael Bauland: for me it would suffice that all variant Domain Registration go to the same registrant contact, that's "conservative" enough for me. I just wanted to note that you do not necessarily avoid user confusion. The Domain owner might want to confuse users on Purpose .. for whatever reason 01:21:06 Michael Bauland: but I agree that this is out of scope. We should not Control what Content Domain owners put on their page … well, under the assumption it's not Breaking any law, of course 01:21:34 Lu ai-chin: For second level domain is polcy issue definiately. 01:22:41 hadia Elminiawi: @Michael so is it ok for the domain owner to confuse users (in a bad way), isn't this a form of DNS abuse? 01:24:02 Michael Bauland: but who are we to decide what is a bad confusion and what is not confusion, but just a different Content that is considered to be ok 01:25:58 Michael Bauland: so in my opinion it's not DNS abuse if a owner of a Domain and its variant puts different Content on their Domains … actually they are just causing Problem with their own Domain. 01:26:26 Michael Bauland: And that's something they could also achieve with a single Domain: just write some logic that Looks at the user's browser language and Display different content 01:27:10 hadia Elminiawi: @Michael agree different content does not necessary mean DNS abuse - but maybe this is something that we could spell out - then it is not up to us to decide what is good or bad 01:27:46 Michael Bauland: @hadia I don't know how we could spell this out 01:28:11 Michael Bauland: do you want to say: don't do anything bad with your variant? 01:28:13 Michael Bauland: :-) 01:28:24 hadia Elminiawi: I think we need to say something about what conservative means or entails 01:29:52 Jiankang Yao: +1@Hadia 01:30:09 Jiankang Yao: What conservative means? 01:30:34 Lu ai-chin: @Jiankang+1 01:33:12 hadia Elminiawi: @Sarmad so based on what you have just said I agree to the conservative approach 01:36:41 hadia Elminiawi: +1 Jiankang Yao 01:42:50 Anil Kumar Jain, NIXI India: Best wishes for Chinese New Year 01:43:01 Jiankang Yao: thanks 01:43:05 hadia Elminiawi: Happy New Year 01:43:11 Lu ai-chin: Thank you 01:43:11 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: Happy year of the tiger! 01:43:12 hadia Elminiawi: bye all 01:43:13 Michael Bauland: bye 01:43:18 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: Thans all 01:43:19 Jaap Akkerhuis: nye