00:27:11 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: hi all, for working group members, if you would like to join on the panelist side, please be sure to accept the prompt asking if you would like to join as a panelist 00:27:25 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): hello all 00:50:27 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: Just to help summarize - the current slide 5 showcases similar / consistent recommendations from both ccPDP4 and IDN-EPDP on the RZ-LGR related topics. The level of details may be differ a bit among these recommendations, but the general principle remains consistent 00:58:19 Hadia ElMiniawi: The ceiling in case of IDN gTLD variants is controlled by the market needs and the ability to manage the label and its variants 00:59:00 Dennis Tan (ccPDP4, VM Subgroup): ccTLD string higher level requirement e.g., meaningful representation of the territory, is analogous to gTLD requirements for special purpose TLDs e.g., brand TLDs or geo TLDs 01:03:38 Satish Babu (Member, ALAC): The Pakistan example was useful to understand the issue. 01:15:47 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: The current slide 7 showcases some non-overlapping recommendations from both groups, under the general topic of RZ-LGR 01:24:58 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): have to drop 01:26:12 Satish Babu (Member, ALAC): Apologies, have to leave now. 01:26:32 Hadia ElMiniawi: ok bye Satish 01:31:59 Anil Kumar Jain, NIXI India: I agree with Justine that both Subgroup of IDNccTLD and small group of IDN EPDP have to consult with full WGs before joint discussions 01:52:46 Justine Chew: +1 Kenny on exchanging ideas at ICANN75 01:55:15 Hadia ElMiniawi: Thank you all - Good item Comparison 01:56:15 Edmon Chung: thx kenny and donna 01:56:55 Justine Chew: +1000 to support staff 01:57:10 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: Thanks everyone for the productive discussions! 01:57:11 Dennis Tan (ccPDP4, VM Subgroup): Thank you! 01:57:11 Michael Bauland (RrSG): bye 01:57:12 Jerry Sen (RySG, participant): thank you Kenny and all 01:57:13 Zuan Zhang-RrSG Member: Thanks all, Bye 01:57:14 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana - ICANN Org: Thank you all