00:36:43 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: strings ineligible for delegation 00:42:40 Justine Chew: 11 weeks 00:44:16 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): I will have to be at the council meeting, can not swap it for IDNs 00:44:52 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: we are proposing to reschedule the IDN meeting 24 hours later (Friday, 26 Sep at 13:30 UTC) so there won't be an overlap 00:45:39 Donna Austin, Chair: @Maxim, we're proposing that he move the IDN EPDP call by 24 hours to avoid the clash with the Council meeting. So our call would be held at this time on 26 August. 00:50:04 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: assignment for 00:50:05 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: form 00:52:00 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): 26Aug seems to be Ok so far 00:57:49 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): I am not sure in Cyrillic I have ever saw S symbol 00:57:59 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): at least for the last many years 00:58:25 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): potentially it would be с and not s 01:00:16 Dennis Tan (RySG, Verisign): Slide 10: Are all 8 examples stand alone strings i.e. no variant relationship, except for row 2? 01:01:10 Sarmad Hussain - ICANN Org: 6a would mean “stop" in Urdu 01:01:35 Sarmad Hussain - ICANN Org: 3b would mean “make" in Urdu 01:03:03 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: @Dennis - that's correct 01:03:14 Dennis Tan (RySG, Verisign): Thanks, Ariel. 01:04:45 Joseph Yee (Identity Digital, RySG): unexpected matter arises that I have to leave and to address it, I will review meeting minutes afterwards, sorry about it 01:05:33 Donna Austin, Chair: Thanks Joseph 01:16:29 Dennis Tan (RySG, Verisign): Yes, but mis-connections happen everyday when users type a different extension to the second level domain name or type a second level domain name that was not the right one 01:16:33 Donna Austin, Chair: Wouldn't the user quickly establish that the TLD is not what they expected by the content on the site? 01:17:19 Justine Chew: @Donna, we were also considering end user expectation 01:17:32 Justine Chew: in terms of experience of "usage" 01:28:20 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): could we make a small temperature of the room measurement - who understood the previous slides (few)? 01:30:08 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): 3 seems to be good at blocking all possible things and some more 01:33:24 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: nothing to add 01:33:33 Devan Reed - ICANN Org: **Members & Participants (panelists): reminder, when using chat, please select Everyone in order for everyone to see chat and to ensure it is captured for the recording. 01:33:34 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: thank you Justine 01:33:41 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): I am not sure the task is to block everything for the sake of the interesting model 01:34:19 Anil Kumar Jain, NIXI India: Good work by small group on string similarity 01:34:46 Zuan Zhang-RrSG Member: what complicated job the small group completed. I can't imagine. 01:37:45 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): models 2 and 3 seem to be unnecessary overcomplicated 01:50:35 Justine Chew: We certainly don't expect to decide on anything today 01:52:21 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): could be clicking links 01:53:32 Justine Chew: Correct, @Edmon. We talked about that, it's more clicking on a link, rather than typinc. 01:53:37 Justine Chew: *typing 01:54:07 Justine Chew: The way phising might be perpetrated. 01:55:01 Satish Babu (Member, ALAC): Yes. 01:55:03 Dennis Tan (RySG, Verisign): Yes 01:55:50 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: happy to help 01:59:11 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): thanks all 01:59:25 Dennis Tan (RySG, Verisign): Thank you 01:59:27 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): thx all bye 01:59:29 Satish Babu (Member, ALAC): thanks and bye! 01:59:29 Anil Kumar Jain, NIXI India: bye