00:30:08 Devan Reed - ICANN Org: Please review ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior here: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en 00:45:49 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): hello all 00:46:01 Donna Austin, Chair: Welcome Maxim 00:46:16 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): sorry for being bit late 00:46:36 Donna Austin, Chair: No problem 01:01:57 Donna Austin, Chair: - Some questions I reckon we will face throughout: what is the “primary” label? what function does it serve? should we use such nomenclature? … some background notes: - When we talk about variants in a set, it is important to note which of all labels is the source for variant label calculation, or as we have adopted: the primary label. 01:02:04 Donna Austin, Chair: Text from Dennis' email. 01:03:31 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): primary label in the context of an IDN gTLD = primary IDN gTLD 01:04:01 Donna Austin, Chair: Thank you, I think that's important to note too. 01:04:11 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): all labels in the set are equal, there is no primary label from the technical point of view 01:04:33 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): that is precisely why it was used to describe policies and techno-policies 01:05:04 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): new hand 01:05:31 Hadia ElMiniawi (ALAC particiapnt): so whats wrong with using IDN label - IDN label variant. I am fine with using primary but don’t see the benefit of having this word 01:06:08 Hadia ElMiniawi (ALAC particiapnt): @Maxim same thought 01:06:24 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): I do not see the reason to have any label in the set called primary 01:06:32 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): initial is not primary 01:06:47 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): applied for label - what we have in the application 01:07:02 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): new hand 01:07:19 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): having a primary is extremely dangerous - it allows to kill the whole set 01:07:32 Hadia ElMiniawi (ALAC particiapnt): so why not call the source just IDN label and the variants IDN Label variant 01:07:52 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): it is not primary - it is applied for label 01:08:04 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): or initially applied for label 01:08:47 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): it is wrong - those labels are in the same set 01:09:01 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): new 01:12:21 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): after the TLD is deployed , there is no difference what was in the application 01:12:26 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): new hand 01:12:45 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): Registry agreement is not tied to applications at all 01:15:00 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): hmm IANA needs to be updated in the future, and this group needs to talk about it I believe 01:15:22 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): this was discussed in the internationalized registration data group 01:15:26 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): we do not update IANA, it is for ICANN 01:15:45 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): the policy needs to link together the IDN variant TLDs 01:16:14 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): also the TLD registry WHOIS/RDS 01:16:33 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): it is just a record pointing to some URL , it is not IDN special 01:17:02 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): the procedures for TLDs are tied , not TLDs 01:17:28 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): TLDs have to be tied via the policy/agreements/procedures of ICANN 01:17:53 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): source label would introduce yet another terminology though :-p 01:18:07 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): it is just applied for label 01:18:26 Hadia ElMiniawi (ALAC particiapnt): source label works - applied for label is actually what it is 01:18:32 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): for business = there is no business at the application phase , only waiting 01:19:15 Donna Austin, Chair: The 2012 questions for IDN applicants asked the applicant to identify the IDN gTLD being applied for, and separately asked for variants. 01:19:18 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): why, there is an application - with the label and variants. after activation -> it is another business process , with a registry , not applicant 01:19:39 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): we have not decided yet if it is going to be one agreement or few tied lables 01:22:34 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: The EPDP Team has agreed on this preliminary recommendation: Any existing or future IDN gTLD along with its variant labels (if any) will be subject to one Registry Agreement. 01:22:35 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): 3 phases : application, deployment, work of the registry 01:23:09 Justine Chew (Vice-chair): Thanks @Ariel, that is exactly what I was referring to. 01:23:10 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): formally we have not issued a recommendation, but later, yes 01:23:56 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): then we need a process of re-election of the primary 01:24:17 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): which is an appointment after Ok from the Panel and ICANN 01:25:05 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): Drafting of the contract seems to be for the implementation phase 01:25:23 Justine Chew (Vice-chair): So, for now, we use "source/applied-for label"? 01:25:48 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): in the application/delegation phase - yes, after the contracting, there should be something else 01:27:18 Donna Austin, Chair: Are folks comfortable with Justine's suggestion above that for now we use "source/applied for label" rather than primary? 01:30:19 Zuan Zhang-RrSG Member: it may not include all variants 01:31:35 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): applied for label + all allowed by the process of evaluation variants 01:32:46 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): is it logical to use - applied for set ? 01:33:14 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): hmm... in previous discussions, we call the entire "set" the "set" including all IDN variants, blocked and allocatable... whereas we call the subset of those allocated/delegated "bundle"... 01:33:49 Donna Austin, Chair: Hmm.... which highlights why we're having this discussion Edmon 01:34:24 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): right that's why the use is deprecated 01:34:51 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): applied for set -> processing -> something come out as IDN Label set for a registry 01:35:04 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): I feel "set" is better to be used as "all" whereas some form of "subset" can be used for some of them 01:35:31 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): even though logically subset is also a form of set :-P 01:35:58 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): agree with sarmad 01:36:59 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): when we talked about the process we did have some listing of subsets 01:37:21 Edmon Chung (Board Liaison): at least: - allocatable - delegated - blocked 01:38:18 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): those may belong to different moments in TLD lifecycle 01:38:48 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): so we say which moment of lifecycle and state 01:42:03 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): I might need to drop in 10 minutes 01:43:39 Justine Chew (Vice-chair): @Maxim, we only have less than 10 minutes left to the call anyway 01:48:07 Steve Chan - ICANN Org: This list is for the second level but provides a good indicator of what the top-level protections will look like when they are included in the AGB: https://www.icann.org/sites/default/files/packages/reserved-names/ReservedNames.xml 01:48:42 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): I really hope we know what is going to be in the AGB :_ 01:48:45 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): 🙂 01:49:17 Steve Chan - ICANN Org: ….with the exceptions of group 3 and group 6 on that page, as acronyms are not receiving preventative protections at the top-level. 01:53:11 Maxim Alzoba (RySG): thanks all, have to drop 01:54:07 Hadia ElMiniawi (ALAC particiapnt): Thank you all - bye for today 01:54:48 Hadia ElMiniawi (ALAC particiapnt): bye 01:54:49 Zuan Zhang-RrSG Member: Thanks all. Bye