00:28:59 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: https://ccnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/field-attached/botterman-to-reynoso-06jan22-en.pdf 00:37:15 Hadia El Miniawi: targeting only the second label domains - but is this within our scope? 00:37:46 Hadia El Miniawi: +1 Yuri I don't see the relevance 00:38:58 Jaap Akkerhuis: https://www.iana.org/help/idn-repository-procedure says: The sole purpose of the repository is to publish LGRs that have been verified as coming from representatives of domain registries. Registries that implement IDN support are strongly encouraged to use this repository, and some may be contractually required to do so by ICANN. 00:45:49 Hadia El Miniawi: they are not there yet 00:45:49 Ariel Liang - ICANN Org: GNSO hasn't started on the second level related discussions 00:46:24 Michael Bauland: I was just thinking, that I cannot remember, what the IDN EPDP said About it, but Ariel's comments explains, why I couldn't remember ;-) 00:55:10 Jaap Akkerhuis: I don’t see how one can have multiple tables for the same TLD 00:57:26 Michael Bauland: @Jaap, take a look at the IANA repository, for example the TLD .sap has several IDN table for the same TLD 01:03:01 Hadia El Miniawi: @Michael agree so we will be limiting what is allowed if we decide to use the same tool fro the second level domains 01:03:03 Hadia El Miniawi: yes 01:03:06 Hadia El Miniawi: for 01:04:30 Hadia El Miniawi: +1 to defining the term harmonized 01:05:06 Lu ai-chin: thank you sarmad 01:05:28 Jiankang Yao: agree. it is better that there has a clear definition of “harmonized” 01:05:42 Hadia El Miniawi: the meaning is clear now, but could be lost later 01:10:28 Hadia El Miniawi: not mandatory 01:11:58 Michael Bauland: @hadia: less user confusion, I'd say 01:13:27 Hadia El Miniawi: To the benefit to the entire community 01:23:56 Michael Bauland: I agree with Jaap, it seems that ICANN is not really validating whether you're actually adhering to the IDN table you submitted. 01:26:21 Lu ai-chin: yes, thank you Bart. 01:26:46 Hadia El Miniawi: Thank you Bart 01:27:05 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: 10 May this group 01:27:36 Jaap Akkerhuis: bye all 01:27:36 Michael Bauland: bye 01:27:38 Hadia El Miniawi: bye 01:27:41 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana - ICANN Org: thank you all