00:27:01 Eberhard Lisse: Patricio can you turn your camer off please 00:30:45 Eberhard Lisse: I will not participate weekly 00:32:08 Irina Danelia: I'm fine with both options 00:32:28 jaap: An hout back collides with another meeting for me 00:32:50 Eberhard Lisse: I am fine with either time slot 00:33:59 Bernard Turcotte: DST change is scheduled for Sunday March 13 2AM 00:35:10 Kimberly Carlson: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/ismail-to-botterman-31jan22-en.pdf 00:35:13 Kim Davies: .. in North America. March 27 in Europe, and various other days in other regions and hemispheres 00:36:06 Allan Macgillivray: Does Patricio have any update from the ICANN Board Committee? 00:42:17 Patricio Poblete: Alan, noting new really. The charter and composition of the ad hoc Grup is on the agenda for the next Board Governance Committee 00:43:03 Patricio Poblete: The staff report about the public comments should be ready by now, but I haven't seen it 00:43:30 Bart Boswinkel: The summary has been publsihed 00:43:38 Stephen Deerhake: Where? 00:43:51 Bart Boswinkel: [public comment forum 00:45:10 Stephen Deerhake: I just did! But which dog Bernard? ;-) 00:45:26 Bart Boswinkel: https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/country-code-top-level-domains-cc-tlds/ccnso-proposed-policy-retirement-cctlds-pcp-summary-report-02-02-2022-en.pdf 01:33:58 Kimberly Carlson: Thanks all 01:34:10 Bernard Turcotte: bye all 01:34:17 Joke Braeken: No worries Stephen. Thank you