00:21:13 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: https://community.icann.org/display/ccNSOCWS/18+August+2022+-+21%3A00+UTC 00:21:50 Rosemary Sinclair: Hello everyone 😊 00:22:19 ALI Hadji KM [ccNSO Council]: Hello everyone 00:22:34 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: Hello and welcome to today's Council on 18 August at 21:00 UTC 00:22:43 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: Hello Ali 00:23:03 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: Greetings all 00:23:36 Javier RĂșa ccNSO Council: Bienvenida Olga !!! 00:24:23 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/about/council/decisions-resolutions/2022 00:24:30 Irina Danelia ccNSO Council: Apologies, the connection at my current location is not good enough, so I will be audio only 00:24:36 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: Welcome Olga!! 00:25:10 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: Hello Irina 00:25:31 ALI Hadji KM [ccNSO Council]: Welcome Olga 00:27:15 Chris Disspain (Councillor): Happy to Jordan 00:27:34 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: Jordan, I would be happy to have a chat (I am travelling on holiday) but try to either join a call or send you an email 00:27:44 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: have been dealing with this topic for quite some time 00:28:08 Jenifer Lopez: Hello to all! Apologies for coming late. I'm driving home in a terrible traffic jam. 00:28:16 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: Jordan are you cat sitting! 00:28:40 Jordan Carter (Council): I am house and cat sitting! 00:28:47 Javier RĂșa ccNSO Council: I think cat is sitting Jordan 00:28:55 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: What an amazing life 🙂 00:37:15 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: Thanks Joke! 00:37:28 Patricio Poblete: Thanks, Alejandra :-) 00:37:50 Jenifer Lopez: Congrats Patricio! 00:40:34 Chris Disspain (Councillor): If we proceed with the resolution then the first word should be ‘Seeing' not 'seen’ 00:41:01 Demi Getschko - .br: (I'm facing some connection difficulties... but I will try to follow the meeting.) 00:41:20 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: Thank you Chris 00:47:32 Jordan Carter (Council): That’s super helpful context thanks T 00:50:04 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: Pablo, I sort of, sort of agree with you. If there is a couple of people who can get engaged with ICANN for a greater community benefit, it might be worth. Totally 00:50:40 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: Thank you Tatiana 00:51:13 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: there’s (or was, pre-COVID) some systemic “in their own bubble" problem. If you ever try to get to their room to listen to their presentations for example, you will be expelled. Why? Why can't they get feedback from community members, mingle with us? 00:51:22 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: Not like we have time to mingle ... 🙂 00:51:39 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: Thanks Biyi 00:51:58 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: Happy to work with Jordan and Biyi 00:52:49 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: Pablo, I am happy to join the brainstorming about how to make NextGen more relevant, too 00:53:16 Chris Disspain (Councillor): you say yes once
 :-) 00:53:28 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: same as Tatiana, Pablo let me know 00:53:32 Jordan Carter (Council): Maybe in KL we could have a quick pull aside 00:53:38 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: @ Tatiana awesome, looking forward to it 00:53:50 Jenifer Lopez: Pablo, if there's a spot for me, I'd love to 00:54:23 Biyi Oladipo (ng)- Councillor: looks like we are getting an army Pablo 00:54:38 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: @ Jenifer - absolutely!! 00:54:45 Rosemary Sinclair: Happy to join this group 😊 00:55:10 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: Woo hoo - Thanks Rosemary 00:56:02 Irina Danelia ccNSO Council: I voted for Chris’ appointment 00:57:17 Chris Disspain (Councillor): Thank you Irina :-) 01:03:59 Javier RĂșa ccNSO Council: Great update @Pablo - Gracias- ! 01:04:32 Chris Disspain (Councillor): thank you Patricio
marvellous! 01:06:08 Javier RĂșa ccNSO Council: Oops Great update @Patricio - Gracias- ! 01:08:29 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: @Biyi - indeed, we are getting an army 01:09:46 Biyi Oladipo (ng)- Councillor: Yes Pablo 01:11:03 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: 😀 01:12:05 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: here are some useful links to bookmark now: 01:12:07 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: ccNSO Schedule https://community.icann.org/x/A4JJD ccNSO Session Highlights https://community.icann.org/x/ooNJD Tech Day https://community.icann.org/x/DoJJD 01:14:37 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: if attending in-person, please remember to review the Health & Safety FAQs: https://75.schedule.icann.org/health-safety 01:15:26 Jordan Carter (Council): It would do no harm for Alejandra to give an informal heads up to Maarten that it would be nice to share the board’s view of what priorities are, in advance of the meeting - maybe in a blog post? 01:16:13 Jordan Carter (Council): Happy to help too @Alejandra 01:17:38 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: I am nodding without the camera! 01:17:43 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: I would go for that 01:19:09 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: Great, my FitBit will be happy. 01:19:20 Jordan Carter (Council): Will our lovely staff team get the chance to send calendar invitations for the key sessions too? 01:19:45 Bart Boswinkel - ICANN Org: Of course we will:-) 01:19:47 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: +1 to Jordan. Especially because the official schedule will not be available for a while. 01:19:53 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: Thanks, Bart! 01:20:00 Jordan Carter (Council): Fabulous, thank you! 01:20:03 Sebastien Ducos - GNSO Liaison: Sorry Folks, I have to drop off for another call. 01:20:11 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: Yes, calendar invites will be sent 01:22:29 Alejandra Reynoso - ccNSO Council: Nominating Committee Bylaws: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en/#article8 Section 8.8. INELIGIBILITY FOR SELECTION BY NOMINATING COMMITTEE No person who serves on the Nominating Committee in any capacity shall be eligible for nomination by any means to any position on the Board or any other ICANN body having one or more membership positions that the Nominating Committee is responsible for filling, until the conclusion of an ICANN annual meeting that coincides with, or is after, the conclusion of that person's service on the Nominating Committee. 01:25:14 Jordan Carter (Council): Please stay away from busses 01:28:55 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: I think Chris is taking a route that gives us the time to address the language both on the ask and changes that may be required 01:29:09 Chris Disspain (Councillor): I’m a big boy
 Can cope 01:29:28 Pablo Rodriguez - Councillor: Absolutely agree @ Chris and Sean 01:30:08 Chris Disspain (Councillor): works for me...good suggestion 01:30:15 Biyi Oladipo (ng)- Councillor: Seconded @Tatiana 01:31:32 Chris Disspain (Councillor): yes, I will definitely step down
 01:34:37 Jenifer Lopez: Sorry. I need to drop off. See you soon 01:34:39 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: I think the purpose is to prevent people who serve on NomCom to be nominated for the Board by NomCom 🙂 but it's really confusing. 01:34:53 Rosemary Sinclair: Unhappily, I need to go
looking forward to working with everyone in KL 😊 01:34:57 Jordan Carter (Council): Fortunately, the relevant provision is a Standard Bylaw and not a Fundamental Bylaw 01:35:13 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: (not only Board, but everything else NomCom is responsible for). But I agree with my lawyer's hat that it is so much open to interpretation 01:35:22 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: Bad, bad drafting 🙁 01:35:52 Jordan Carter (Council): I don’t think the wording is at all ambiguous - it’s very clear that it catches Chris, in my amateur not-lawyer reading 01:37:18 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: @Jordan, “membership positions that the Nominating Committee is responsible for filling” wording - NomCom is responsible for filling only ccNSO NCA. Hence I see the ambiguity. 01:37:33 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: Like, I can't be on NomCom because I am NCA. 01:38:18 Jordan Carter (Council): Any other ICANN body having one or more membership positions
 01:38:26 Jordan Carter (Council): The Council has one or more positions 01:39:03 Biyi Oladipo (ng)- Councillor: I think I have the same interpretation as Tatiana. Looks to me like that bye law speaks to the 3 NOMCOM Appointed Councillors 01:39:20 Tatiana Tropina ccNSO Council NCA: Jordan, I do not disagree 🙂 I am very much inclined to agree with Chris's interpretation 01:39:25 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC-Participant): bye all -thank you