00:13:55 Alejandra Reynoso .gt - ccNSO Council : Wiki: https://community.icann.org/display/ccNSOCWS/21+April+2022+-+12%3A00+UTC 00:15:03 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: if you would like to follow the live notes for today's meeting, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xggbkw5eo6hN2XCI5h5_l5davA5pm9uW/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108932396147626517991&rtpof=true&sd=true 00:15:07 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: Apologies were received from: Tatiana Tropina, Ali Hadji Mmadi, Pablo Rodriguez 00:16:36 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: correspondance page: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/about/statements.htm 00:30:02 Lianna Galstyan, ALAC Liaison: I doubt we'll have 3000 participants 00:30:52 Irina Danelia ccNSO Council: Just one more comment regarding prioritization exercise. I'm really glad that we have Chris representing ccNSO. I wouldn't manage to do it myself so good -)) 00:31:03 Alejandra Reynoso .gt - ccNSO Council : :) 00:31:52 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: I would be surprised if we break 1,000 in person... 00:32:34 Chris Disspain ccNSO Councillor: Nonsense Irina..but thank you! 00:39:52 Lianna Galstyan, ALAC Liaison: Congrats Chris! 00:40:06 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: Yesss! 00:40:15 Chris Disspain ccNSO Councillor: :-) 00:41:34 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: this letter as well as other background material can be found on the wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/kc4GCw 00:43:35 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: Importante! 00:45:29 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: ccNSO Democracy should be exported !!! 00:45:49 Chris Disspain ccNSO Councillor: we might need to bottle it first Javier :-) 00:45:58 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: lol 00:47:19 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: LOL :-) 00:50:58 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: Very interesting. 00:53:21 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: Had totally missed this figure of Emissary before. Was not in my radar at all. 00:56:09 Marie Noemie Marques, Counselor: new items to discuss :) 00:59:20 Chris Disspain ccNSO Councillor: Just FYI, I believe that the GRC members list on the ccnso web page is out of date 01:01:59 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: +1 @Irina 01:02:27 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: here is the link Bart referred to: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/fast-track-2012-02-25-en 01:04:15 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: Makes sense Bart 01:06:48 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: The Strategy on a page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18kS42BvVyOhLnoVcMB0yKkCJ9dwpgcwvXIoiCiK1t3Y/edit Council Workshop: What does Important mean for ccTLDs? held on 24 February 2022 at 21.00 UTC Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VoQn48ziLTxHavvXBzM-Ya3ZDmhGCBf-/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108932396147626517991&rtpof=true&sd=true 01:06:49 Bart Boswinkel - ICANN Org: In response to Irina's second question, please see: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/string-evaluation-completion-2014-02-19-en 01:08:16 Nick Wenban-Smith ccNSO council: Thanks Jordan, sounds good to me 01:13:11 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: Hi Jordan. the google sheet has been updated. See overview: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xLgzHqLJAQ3ZNX9IC_46hJu207fGX1ugZQJoRtr5_ZE/edit?usp=sharing 01:15:08 Jordan Carter - ccNSO Council, .nz: Thank you Joke 🙂 01:17:11 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: https://74.schedule.icann.org/ 01:18:16 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: I sent a high level early draft of the ccNSO-related sessions at ICANN74 on the 18th. If you need me to resend, let me know 01:19:02 Chris Disspain ccNSO Councillor: 75 01:19:20 Irina Danelia ccNSO Council: IDNs, but it can wait until 75 01:19:30 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: Agree 01:19:33 Chris Disspain ccNSO Councillor: Lighter meetings agebda best for 74 given the experimant 01:19:47 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: +1 Chris. 01:20:25 Lianna Galstyan, ALAC Liaison: Hi, thanks:) 01:20:27 Irina Danelia ccNSO Council: Welcome Liana! 01:20:33 Tatiana Tropina NCA ccNSO : Yes 75 01:20:39 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: Hi!!!! 01:21:43 Chris Disspain ccNSO Councillor: how long is the session? 01:21:51 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: Happy to discuss the first bullet item... 01:21:58 Chris Disspain ccNSO Councillor: too many topics IMO 01:22:03 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: yes, one hour 01:22:04 Lu ai-chin (ccNSO councilor): +1 01:22:06 Tatiana Tropina NCA ccNSO : It’s a lot 01:22:47 Tatiana Tropina NCA ccNSO : Way too many 01:22:49 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: I'd like the first one included. This is becoming a multi-SO issue. 01:22:58 Sean Copeland - ccNSO Council - nic VI: +1 Stephen 01:22:59 Kimberly Carlson - ICANN Org: Joint session: ccNSO-GNSO | 14 June 700-800 UTC (block 1) 01:24:08 Sebastien Ducos GNSO Liaison: +1 Chris. I think that will work. 01:26:10 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: Belated comment on ICANN75 ALAC/ccNSO bilateral: IDNs, string confusing similarity, and DNS abuse (that’s a single-ish joint topic). 01:26:36 Joke Braeken - ICANN Org: Call for presenters: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-05apr22-en.htm 01:30:10 Lianna Galstyan, ALAC Liaison: @Javier, these topics are indeed in ALAC's agenda and we can plan a bilateral meeting for ICANN75, as you all agreed. 01:32:11 Javier Rúa-ccNSO Council: Cool @Liana! 01:38:19 Stephen Deerhake - .as ccNSO Councillor: Bye everyone!