00:18:08 Svitlana Tkachenko: Yes, now is better 00:21:52 hadia Elminiawi: Hello Anil 00:24:26 Svitlana Tkachenko: Is it possible to zoom document ? 00:24:31 Jeff Bedser: apologies for the late arrival 00:24:33 Peter Koch (DENIC eG): apologies, apparently a DST issue 00:25:08 Svitlana Tkachenko: Hello Jeff and Peter! 00:31:39 Svitlana Tkachenko: yes 00:32:09 Svitlana Tkachenko: (definition of “territory”) 00:33:12 Mirjana Tasić .rs: Yes please, include definition of territory 00:33:19 hadia Elminiawi: No thanks Bart - this is clear 00:41:14 Svitlana Tkachenko: “Republic XXX” changes to “XXX Republic” 00:42:05 hadia Elminiawi: ok thank you 00:43:39 hadia Elminiawi: theoretically speaking it could happen 00:44:32 hadia Elminiawi: yes 00:48:14 Peter Koch (DENIC eG): agree: “meaningful” is the key here, there have been numerous changes to the English representation that would not essentially change the name, really; maybe we should dig out some of those examples 00:48:24 Svitlana Tkachenko: Agree. 00:49:09 hadia Elminiawi: +1 peter " meaningful" representation needs to be maintained 00:52:58 hadia Elminiawi: +1 Bart 00:55:22 hadia Elminiawi: self evident 00:57:17 Peter Koch (DENIC eG): not sure I understand: the IDN ccTLD has to represent the full country name, not only that of a subset of that country? 00:57:56 Peter Koch (DENIC eG): i.e., you cannot have “cats and dogs island” being represented by “cats” in Klingon, say 00:58:01 hadia Elminiawi: I was looking only at (a) 00:59:05 hadia Elminiawi: United arab emirates 00:59:32 Peter Koch (DENIC eG): OK, thanks - I wish we had this f2f with whiteboards ;-) 00:59:39 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: Fullname: Kingdom of Thailand —> ‘Thai’ for IDN ccTLD 00:59:42 Javier Rúa-Jovet: America would not be representative of USA in my view. All countries in the Americas are America. 00:59:49 Javier Rúa-Jovet: IMHO 01:00:27 Mirjana Tasić .rs: For Serbia only .srb in Cyrillic script 01:02:10 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: For information. This is place to look up a full name of a country in official language https://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/geonames/ 01:03:00 anil : Thanks Pitinan 01:03:38 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Pitinan 01:11:53 Svitlana Tkachenko: One language can obtain official status 01:16:48 hadia Elminiawi: Trigger further consideration 01:17:18 Mirjana Tasić .rs: Trigger further consideration 01:18:21 Jaap Akkerhuis: Oops, got confused by time warp 01:24:25 Peter Koch (DENIC eG): question is whether an IDN ccTLD needs to meet the initial criteria over the whole lifetime - and why 01:25:20 Peter Koch (DENIC eG): annex to 3166-1 country is important, otherwise no SiP 01:26:03 hadia Elminiawi: @Sarmad exactly 01:27:06 hadia Elminiawi: You explained it well 01:27:25 Svitlana Tkachenko: yes, good reason 01:30:18 Peter Koch (DENIC eG): we need to address this, but I fear the real world scenarios that would lead to this situation 01:31:08 Peter Koch (DENIC eG): maybe we should view this as “consensual” .. (ah, what Sarmad said) 01:33:29 Jeff Bedser: good discussions. Sorry i need to drop due to a schedule conflict. 01:34:18 Peter Koch (DENIC eG): there should be a way to “hand back” an IDN ccTLDs based on the consensus of the SiPs (like, say, the UM TLD); but this should not be a shortcut for redelegation, just because one SiP does no longer like the registry 01:35:56 Svitlana Tkachenko: +1 Peter, policy should be “safety catch” for TLD removal 01:35:58 hadia Elminiawi: @anil agree this would be the reason, I have also thought about it. But how could we take this into consideration 01:36:15 Peter Koch (DENIC eG): apologies, need to leave 01:39:27 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you all, bye for now 01:40:28 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: Thank you all