00:16:38 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to the ccPDP4 DES SG teleconference on 21 December at 13:00 UTC. Attendance will be taken based on those on Zoom. Apologies: Mirjana and Svitlana. 00:24:11 hadia Elminiawi: Yes I read it - but it is not clear yet 00:30:35 hadia Elminiawi: There is a difference between reasons for removal and triggering events 00:40:42 hadia Elminiawi: indeed the purpose is to maintain consistency and stability 00:45:28 hadia Elminiawi: for me it is green as a potential way forward 00:46:41 hadia Elminiawi: @Peter I have also concerns in relation to the details 00:52:21 Peter Koch: thanks, Hadia, I think I heard a question of yours going into a similar direction; currently we define the straight passes, where the local community gives up a name or asks for a replacement; clearly that should serve as a triggering event; it also sounds reasonable to me to keep ICANN out of the decision making around languages (and scripts, for that matter); maybe this is something to keep in mind for “stress tests” 00:53:05 Peter Koch: paths, not passes, apologies 00:53:08 Jaap Akkerhuis: india has only english and hindi listed as administrative language 01:20:37 hadia Elminiawi: Happy New year and happy holidays 01:20:50 hadia Elminiawi: Merry Christmas 01:20:51 hadia Elminiawi: bye 01:20:52 Jaap Akkerhuis: bte all 01:20:55 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: Thank you all 01:20:55 Peter Koch: thanks you! 01:20:57 Kimberly Carlson: Seasons Greetings and a healthy New Year