00:26:29 Kimberly Carlson: Hello everyone, welcome. 00:33:32 Eberhard Lisse: I asked for the ‘the’ before ‘for example’ to be removed but of course Option 3 does it for me :-)-O 00:38:04 Kimberly Carlson: Give me two secs 00:48:06 Peter Koch: understood, but giving them two options to pick from might be better than just suggesting one and earning a “no”? 00:50:21 Patricio Poblete: *1 Bernard 00:51:20 Maarten Simon: agree 00:53:06 Bart Boswinkel: Wha about the extension goes against the Board approved policy policy for the retirement of ccTLDS 00:56:14 Patricio Poblete: It should be VERY clear that this is one example scenario 00:56:25 Bernard Turcotte: it will be 01:00:23 Jaap Akkerhuis: Node that olds can be other things then names; especially cctlds are using codes. 01:16:49 Patricio Poblete: When I say that in Chile the arbitrator is a judge, I mean that is has the status of a judge, he/she doesn’t need to be a court judge 01:18:28 Stephen Deerhake: Understood Patricio. Thank you for the clarification for the record. 01:18:31 Eberhard Lisse: Patricio, I am sure they will specify something like a “Retired Judge” or someone of similar experience (which is the point, I think) 01:22:01 Patricio Poblete: ado por artículo 17. 01:22:17 Patricio Poblete: Sorry, wrong window 01:22:36 Patricio Poblete: Zoom steals my mouse focus. Very annoying. 01:23:16 Eberhard Lisse: I like this! 01:26:44 Stephen Deerhake: Patricio, Zoom crashed my Mac earlier, so consider yourself lucky! ;-) 01:27:49 Kim Davies: https://www.iana.org/help/complaint-procedure 01:34:54 Maarten Simon: I will not be available at the 10th 01:37:42 Maarten Simon: But please go ahead without me 01:40:14 Bernard Turcotte: bye all