00:12:55 Bernard Turcotte: I have both dogs in my office so pre-emptive apologies for barking disturbances 00:13:11 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to the ccPDP RM teleconference on 8 December at 20:00 UTC. Roll will be taken based on those on Zoom. 00:14:08 Kimberly Carlson: Recording, attendance and background material will be posted on the wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/Gga7Cg 00:15:06 Joke Braeken: See https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/ccnso-proposed-policy-on-the-retirement-of-cctlds-22-11-2021 00:19:34 Kimberly Carlson: January 5 or 12? 00:22:12 Kimberly Carlson: Ok next meeting 12 January 20 UTC, thank you 00:38:23 Kim Davies: Its between IANA and ICANN via the CSC, the CSC assesses performance against the SLAs 00:38:31 Bart Boswinkel: Indeeed 00:42:31 Peter Koch: excellent point, Allan! Maybe addressing it is a matter of communication rather than changing the substance. “It’s all about the looks!” 01:15:09 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you everyone, have a good holiday season and a happy new year. 01:15:18 Bernard Turcotte: byed all 01:15:20 Joke Braeken: Thanks all. Bye! 01:15:25 Allan Macgillivray: Happy holiday 01:15:30 Patricio Poblete: bye everyone!