00:48:36 Alyssa Quinn: Do we want a catch all for "Other items as need arises or as directed by ccNSO Council" 00:48:40 Segun Akano: may be truely 00:50:41 Svitlana Tkachenko: yes 00:51:02 Alyssa Quinn: sounds good to me 00:51:34 Segun Akano: yes 01:01:29 Stephen Deerhake: yes Bart 01:01:41 Stephen Deerhake: looks good Bart. 01:07:27 Stephen Deerhake: Looks good Bart. 01:07:43 Stephen Deerhake: The ordering makes sesnse 01:08:03 Stephen Deerhake: All green 01:10:12 Stephen Deerhake: Looks good. 01:10:17 Svitlana Tkachenko: it’s reasonable 01:10:46 Stephen Deerhake: Sub groups will be critical to handle this workload. 01:11:45 Alyssa Quinn: Haven't looked through them yet 01:13:18 Stephen Deerhake: Yes for request for volunteers 01:13:20 Segun Akano: yes 01:13:25 Svitlana Tkachenko: yes 01:13:45 Stephen Deerhake: Indeed Bart. 01:16:10 Svitlana Tkachenko: yes, i do 01:16:13 Alyssa Quinn: I can review 01:17:18 Alyssa Quinn: Even 1 hour later would do wonders for me (same time zone as Sean) 01:17:19 Stephen Deerhake: Rotate. It's only fair... 01:17:19 Katrina Sataki: Any suggested times? 01:17:37 Svitlana Tkachenko: What time fo you suggest ? 01:19:50 Katrina Sataki: I agree with Stephen’s suggestion 01:21:31 Svitlana Tkachenko: it works for me too 01:22:09 Katrina Sataki: Actually, research shows that the worst days are not Mondays but Tuesdays. Because people kind of expect Mondays be tough. They hope that Tuesdays are better and therefore get very disappointed when they are not 🙂 01:23:21 Segun Akano: Good job from Bart 01:23:25 Mirjana Tasić .rs: Bye