00:26:54 hadia Elminiawi: Hi all, apologies for being late 00:34:30 Dennis Tan: Sarmad was reading my mind 🙂 00:37:26 Dennis Tan: In that case the IDN label look alike to an existing ccTLD… but what about an IDN label or variant of the IDN label that looks alike to a 2-char code that is not yet assigned to a country? 00:45:39 hadia Elminiawi: sorry I was disconnected but I am back again n ow 00:46:48 Dennis Tan: not just similar, but identical 2-char ASCII 00:48:28 hadia Elminiawi: +1 Sarmad 00:49:33 Dennis Tan: in practical terms all 2-char ASCII and their cross-script variants will need to be “reserved” such that they are taken into account for future new IDN ccTLD string evaluations 00:49:35 Lu ai-chin: I just courious does ASCII have variant? 00:49:59 Dennis Tan: by RZ-LGR, yes… and the other way around 00:50:06 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: Some example 00:50:07 Sarmad Hussain: @Ai-Chin, yes ASCII will have variants 00:50:24 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: ց U+0581 Armenian small letter CO 00:50:49 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: ցց in Armenian, is a blocked variant with gg (Latin and ASCII) 00:51:30 Lu ai-chin: @Sarmad thank you! 00:52:59 hadia Elminiawi: they are blocked by definition but not reserved 00:54:28 Sarmad Hussain: FAST TRACK PROCESS says: 00:54:49 Sarmad Hussain: A selected IDN ccTLD string should not be confusingly similar with: • Any combination of two ISO 646 Basic Version (ISO 646-BV) characters2 (letter [az] codes), nor • Existing TLDs or reserved names. 00:54:58 hadia Elminiawi: +1 reserve the two letter code country codes 00:55:14 hadia Elminiawi: that are not assigned yet 00:55:18 Sarmad Hussain: (See https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/epsrp-guidelines-04dec13-en.pdf)) 00:55:47 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Sarmad 00:59:57 Anil Kumar Jain: I agree that this may be discussed in next Sub Group 01:01:16 Sarmad Hussain: Please note that variant relationship between labels is different from the string similarity relationship. 01:05:01 Dennis Tan: sure thing 01:08:40 Dennis Tan: Use of RZ-LGR = 1) Syntax validation and 2) calculation of variants 01:10:24 Dennis Tan: syntax validation = “letters” are valid for TLD string (e.g. no hyphen or digits), whole-label evaluations are applied as well (e.g. combining mark cannot start label, no mixing of scripts, etc.) 01:11:23 Dennis Tan: calculate of variant = these rules are applied by the algorithm defined by each script Generation Panel, and the integration of the merged RZ-LGR 01:15:02 Lu ai-chin: All TLD labels, IDN and ASCII labels, MUST be processed using the RZ-LGR. Do you think we need to add one word " their " before ASCII? 01:21:22 Dennis Tan: Yes, “english” labels would be subject to RZ-LGR validation 01:22:55 Lu ai-chin: ok, so if this situation, that means ASCII TLD will apply RZ-LGR too. 01:24:10 hadia Elminiawi: It does bart 01:45:11 Anil Kumar Jain: I agree with Jiankang 01:45:17 Steve Chan - ICANN Org: As I think Sarmad might have noted, 2 character ASCII TLDs are not allowed as gTLDs. 01:49:25 Steve Chan - ICANN Org: Also, the string similarity process in gTLDs is future looking where for 2 char IDN gTLD strings are compared against: “Any other 2-character ASCII string (to protect possible future ccTLD delegations).” 01:50:11 Steve Chan - ICANN Org: Yes, for previous discussion! 01:50:16 Anil Kumar Jain: Good discussions. Bye Bye 01:50:18 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you all - bye for today 01:50:24 hadia Elminiawi: goodnight 01:50:25 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you all, bye 01:50:26 Jaap Akkerhuis: bye all 01:50:29 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: Thanks all