15:58:47 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: Hi! 15:58:50 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): There somebody speaking on the phone 15:59:18 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): thanks :-)) 15:59:22 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni (Direct Message): Scusami Adriana. Mio marito 15:59:35 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): immaginavo, no problem!! 15:59:38 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni (Direct Message): We urgently need a bigger apartment! 15:59:43 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): ahahahahah 16:00:04 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Hello 2 All 16:00:11 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): Hello 16:00:35 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Hello! 16:00:41 From Abdullah Cemil AKÇAM to Everyone: hello all 16:01:48 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: Hello all! 16:02:44 From Polina Malaja to Everyone: Thank you for having me today :) 16:03:03 From pierre.bonis AFNIC to Everyone: Hi Polina ! Glad to have you on the call ! 16:06:49 From Sean Copeland to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): I am going to come back in the sound is not working right for me 16:07:00 From Joke Braeken to Sean Copeland(Direct Message): Ok! 16:07:01 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): Joke, I don’t remember, did I reply? 16:07:17 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni (Direct Message): No reply yet Adriana 🙂 16:08:10 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Your tone was perfect Joke ! 16:08:19 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: The one was perfect! didnt notice any kind of pressure really 16:08:20 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): oops sorry. Do I have to send you a reply? 16:08:36 From Abdullah Cemil AKÇAM to Everyone: i didnt apologize 16:08:38 From Abdullah Cemil AKÇAM to Everyone: :) 16:09:23 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: Like marriage? :) :) 16:09:35 From Abdullah Cemil AKÇAM to Everyone: :) 16:10:52 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: LOL - I think my reply was one of the apologetic ones. I think it’s just simple evidence of my persistent Catholic guilt. 16:11:42 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni (Direct Message): No Adriana, I will note you intend to stay onboard! 16:12:02 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): Done. Sorry for the delay. 16:12:11 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni (Direct Message): Grazie mille 16:12:17 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): A te! 16:14:17 From Abdullah Cemil AKÇAM to Everyone: ok for me 16:15:35 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone: I support the idea too. 16:15:44 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Everyone: I agree as well 16:15:52 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: +1 16:16:02 From Abdullah Cemil AKÇAM to Everyone: so will we have 2 vice chairs? 16:18:45 From Abdullah Cemil AKÇAM to Everyone: good plan imo 16:19:25 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: +1 Abdullah 16:25:15 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Hi all. Notes during today’s meeting are taken here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15MSIrqJVDEuoVIUNhyIuBm6lSCyoNY1qEB6mb-GqsOI/edit?usp=sharing 16:32:44 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Sorry for the delay 16:46:04 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): Joke, could we get Polina’s presentation? 16:46:34 From pierre.bonis AFNIC to Everyone: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-making-process/applying-eu-law/infringement-procedure_es 16:46:57 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni (Direct Message): Yes, I will post it on the workspace, togerther with the recording 16:47:47 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): ok thanks 16:48:04 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Gracias Pedro! 16:48:17 From pierre.bonis AFNIC to Everyone: De nada ! 16:48:24 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: Suena más lindo en francés :) 16:49:57 From pierre.bonis AFNIC to Everyone: :) Laura. no me voy a tratar de hablar en espagnol for the rest of the meeting, porque no habemos el tiempo esperar que busco las palabras correctas 16:50:17 From pierre.bonis AFNIC to Everyone: to nememos el tiempo... 16:50:20 From pierre.bonis AFNIC to Everyone: tememos 16:50:31 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: ;) 16:50:44 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: And suddenly the sun is shining 🙂 16:51:15 From Marie-Noemie Marques to Everyone: Not the case in Paris. Night is coming …. 16:53:29 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: The same in Cologne, Marie-Noemie, but a bit of Spanish brings the sun inside ;-) 16:55:37 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Who’s ICANN??? 16:59:17 From Yonglin YAO to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): Hello Joke. Very sorry to be late to join in. I missed the alarm at 23.00. 17:00:15 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Very interesting stuff! 17:00:41 From Abdullah Cemil AKÇAM to Everyone: totally agree ith u pierre 17:00:58 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: me too 17:05:46 From Polina Malaja to Everyone: excellent point, Pierre! 17:08:01 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Agreed 17:08:05 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Ughh 17:08:40 From Polina Malaja to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): Thank you, Joke, so much for supporting me today! Much appreciated :) 17:08:50 From Joke Braeken to Yonglin YAO(Direct Message): The meeting is recorded Yonglin, I will post the recording later today! 17:08:54 From Joke Braeken to Yonglin YAO(Direct Message): Thanks for joining 17:09:35 From Joke Braeken to Polina Malaja(Direct Message): Thanks a lot for today Polina, this was great. Many thanks for the time and efforts you invested! I see the IGLC members appreciated it too 17:10:01 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: hope we wont be very old! 17:10:39 From Polina Malaja to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): It was my pleasure :) Wishing you a lovely evening and continuation of the last part of the meeting! 17:11:17 From pierre.bonis AFNIC to Everyone: Laura, you Don't change, no one will notice ! 17:13:25 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Great meeting! Bye to all! ¡Y Felices Fiestas y Próspero Año Nuevo a Todxs!🇵🇷 17:13:47 From Yonglin YAO to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): Sure. Appreciate that! Just to see faces of you guys. 17:14:10 From Marie-Noemie Marques to Everyone: Felices fiestas !!y Navidad, y ano nuevo !! 17:14:25 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: We turned to spanish! Felices Fiestas a todos!!!