00:17:12 Kimberly Carlson: ccNSO-Board session at ICANN72: https://72.schedule.icann.org/meetings/i7Q3qkKBPTe8NLqJt 00:17:31 Joke Braeken: Joint meeting: 00:17:33 Joke Braeken: ccNSO topics: ccNSO recommended policy on the retirement of ccTLDs: introduction of the policy, its scope, why we believe it is needed. In preparation of a possible implementation process: what are the next steps from a Board perspective, and how does the roadmap look like? change of Article 10 and Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws to allow the inclusion of interested IDN ccTLD Managers in the ccNSO: what are the next steps of the process? At the end of ICANN72, Nigel Roberts will be stepping down as member of the ICANN BoD. What are Nigel's views on his years on the Board, the relation between ICANN and the ccTLD community in general, and the ICANN Board and ccNSO specifically? ICANN Board topic: how to efficiently identify and work more closely with governments globally, as well as educate, train and interact when it comes to geopolitical issues relating to ICANN’s mission 00:17:54 Kimberly Carlson: Thurs | | Oct 28 @16:00 UTC 00:18:21 Joke Braeken: Joint session: ccNSO COUNCIL & ICANN BOARD Thursday, 28 October 2021 | 16:00-17:00 UTC 00:22:45 Eberhard Lisse: thanks, Kim, have blocked it out, but your ICAL entry will come with Zoom link 00:23:29 Kimberly Carlson: Zoom links are posted 24-hours before the start of the session. I will revise the invite 00:26:02 Eberhard Lisse: That is good I just want to make sure I am not double-booking anything 00:35:00 Peter Koch: if (big if) pain is the measure, then there won’t be a one-size-fits-all 00:36:12 Peter Koch: maybe we can postpone (read: exclude from the “reading”) the fee structure, if any 00:38:18 Patricio Poblete: Another reference point at the other rend is the cost of a UDRP case 00:39:25 Eberhard Lisse: In Germany they have something called “Prozesskostenhilfe”, with a means test and a test of at least some prospects of success. 00:40:05 Peter Koch: In Germany we have tax payers who will bear the cost … 00:40:05 Eberhard Lisse: The latter will be very difficult and add another layer, so I am not particularly advocating this. 00:40:27 Eberhard Lisse: But, the point is it is not only for Criminal cases 00:41:13 Eberhard Lisse: Yes, Peter, and ICANN has Auction Proceeds. And, we are doing this for the ccTLDs not ICANN 00:42:21 Stephen Deerhake: New gTLD Auction proceeds should not be considered here in my view... 00:43:03 Peter Koch: _my_ point was that in the PKH case it’s wenn defined where the money will come from, in the issue under discussion we’re pushing around virtual and real cost 00:43:13 Peter Koch: s/wenn/well/ 00:53:06 Eberhard Lisse: Point here is of course, who selects the slate from which panelists can be selected, if any. 00:53:22 Eberhard Lisse: I would have no issue if the 3rd panelist came from a slate 00:54:27 Kim Davies: My only thought on the first reading of the IFO section that may want to be addressed is the expected confidentiality or lack thereof of all or part of the panel’s findings. 01:14:36 Kimberly Carlson: Proposing the next meeting: 10 November 01:15:13 Peter Koch: are we keeping the UTC time (end of DST in noirthern hemisphere)? 01:15:55 Kimberly Carlson: Historically, UTC has been kept 01:16:02 Nick WS’ iPhone: I’m currently UTC + 2! 01:16:14 Nick WS’ iPhone: But agree UTC please 🙏 01:16:32 Peter Koch: sure, we use UTC time zone 01:16:49 Peter Koch: my point was differrent 01:18:42 Kimberly Carlson: Absolutely, will note that on the mailing list 01:19:14 allan.macgillivray: Bye all 01:19:29 Sean Copeland: Bye all