00:22:54 Head of Legal Ann-Cathrin Marcussen - .no registry: Sorry for being late into the meeting! Hello everyone! 00:23:19 Kimberly Carlson: Wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/NgCHCg 00:25:44 Stephen Deerhake: Sorry I'm late... 00:27:09 Stephen Deerhake: Can you elaborate on why you think we will need to tweak 5 and 7? 00:28:12 Stephen Deerhake: OK. 00:30:28 Stephen Deerhake: David your audio is gone... 00:31:12 Katrina Sataki: you do need to go out and get a new headset, David ;) 00:41:32 Irina Danelia: I believe we can have a discussion at ICANN and try to come to decision. We need good slides to demonstrate it 00:43:06 Irina Danelia: can we start the section with this discussion? 00:43:09 Stephen Deerhake: OK with it. 00:43:13 Joke Braeken: I have David 00:47:04 Stephen Deerhake: OK by me David re: Capitalization issue. 00:47:28 Irina Danelia: +1 00:53:19 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: Maybe rephrase as "Effective date of council decisions and Members veto mechanism" 00:55:11 Stephen Deerhake: Shall means "have to"... Do we want to do that? 00:56:34 Stephen Deerhake: I'm not saying I have an issue with it. I just wanted to point that out... I'm not objecting to this... Just wanted to provide clarification... 00:56:45 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: Thank you Stephen 00:58:16 Stephen Deerhake: I propose we go with "Shall" and be done with it. 00:58:34 Irina Danelia: I like David's proposal but I can live with SHALL 00:58:47 Irina Danelia: sorry, with WILL 00:59:10 Alyssa Quinn: sorry - was making coffee. Another vote for "shall" 00:59:39 Head of Legal Ann-Cathrin Marcussen - .no registry: I support using Shall 01:11:12 Stephen Deerhake: What you have said seems reasonable to me David. 01:19:45 Stephen Deerhake: Cheers all! 01:19:47 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you all, bye.