00:36:11 David McAuley (Verisign): Bylaw 10.3(k) says this: (k) The ccNSO Council, subject to direction by the ccNSO members, shall adopt such rules and procedures for the ccNSO as it deems necessary, provided they are consistent with these Bylaws. Rules for ccNSO membership and operating procedures adopted by the ccNSO Council shall be published on the Website. 00:36:37 Bart Boswinkel: Question should din my view be: which topic should be subject to the change management 00:37:06 Bart Boswinkel: By the members or Council 00:38:00 David McAuley (Verisign): Historical is a good reason in my view but was wondering if it might be better to use terms consistent with bylaw 00:39:01 David McAuley (Verisign): Using CCWG Phrase, not something to 'die in the ditch' for 00:50:27 Alyssa Moore: +1 to Chris' colour coding. "These green ones are the rules we have, these orange ones we don't have right now, but might like to include. Then I think we canvas for any more we might like to include. And ask whether there's anything on here that shouldn't be. Then ask about what process might get us to consensus on a final list. 00:50:48 Alyssa Moore: And then we don't need to revisit it again. We bring it back to the GRC and work on it. 00:53:19 Stephen Deerhake: Great suggestion David. Just push it through... 00:53:35 Sean Copeland: +1 to Alyssa, the colour coded will go one step further, I think, and help deal with volunteer fatigue if its top 3 items vs 13. Reality is if something already exists, unless it fundamentally impacts something that does not yet exist, it doesn’t need to be addressed. 00:54:02 Segun Akano: Let us try to round off discussions on the canvass. 00:56:00 Stephen Deerhake: +1 Alyssa on colour coding. 01:01:05 Stephen Deerhake: +1 Chris. 01:01:06 David McAuley (Verisign): that sounds fair to me 01:02:39 David McAuley (Verisign): An invitation to members to let us know what/how they think on governance issues - we can then invite again on list and we can then draft 01:03:20 David McAuley (Verisign): agree w Chris re broad brush 01:04:02 David McAuley (Verisign): good phrase - permission to proceed and then pay attention 01:04:16 Stephen Deerhake: Boring is not bad... 01:04:49 Stephen Deerhake: Katrina, it is preferable to the screaming matches back in the day... 01:06:31 Stephen Deerhake: Either day works for me. 01:06:43 David McAuley (Verisign): ok 01:08:17 Kimberly Carlson: 12 March, 15:00 UTC = Next call. Calendar invite to follow 01:08:58 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks, Kim, works for me 01:09:36 David McAuley (Verisign): me also, +1 Stephen 01:09:57 Stephen Deerhake: Thank you Kimberly. 01:09:59 Segun Akano: okay for me 01:10:21 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks and bye all 01:10:24 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you, bye 01:10:27 Joke Braeken: Bye all 01:10:28 Stephen Deerhake: Bye all!