00:23:45 Kimberly Carlson: Hi everyone, welcome to today’s GRC 2.0 teleconference on 4 October at 14:00 UTC. 00:27:01 Bart Boswinkel: Link to the Jamboard 00:27:02 Bart Boswinkel: https://jamboard.google.com/d/148LI6av2IYekHhPstpB0jfnX8fkcjGH-dcP9ThTrr6k/viewer?f=0 00:30:58 Bart Boswinkel: Current purpose The purpose of the ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee (GRC) is to review the current guidelines and to ascertain whether they reflect current practices and working methods, identify potential gaps, and based on this analysis propose changes to the current guidelines to the Council. In addition, the GRC should advise and assist the ccNSO in matters relating to governance of the ccNSO 00:36:37 David McAuley (Verisign): I agree with that, Katrina, not just councilors 00:39:10 Sean Copeland: Según, Svitlana or Alyssa, I would love to hear from you guys 00:39:13 David McAuley (Verisign): I think that is an interesting idea that Stephen floated - maybe a liaison from RySG as a group that also faces registry issues 00:40:23 Alyssa Quinn: We have a good, regular meeting cadence 00:40:41 David McAuley (Verisign): +1 Alyssa 00:40:55 Stephen Deerhake: +1 Alyssa as well... 00:41:06 Segun Akano: We also full backing of ccNSo 00:41:14 Katrina Sataki: What do you mean +1??? Last time you complained about too many meetings :) 00:41:49 David McAuley (Verisign): regular - need not be every two weeks, maybe once per month but regular pace 00:42:32 David McAuley (Verisign): Good pointg by Sean - subgroups woul dlikely work well here 00:42:40 David McAuley (Verisign): likely 00:42:47 Stephen Deerhake: +1 on increased subgroup usage. This is working well where it's been employed to date... 00:43:08 Stephen Deerhake: Yes Bart. 00:43:25 Alyssa Quinn: what we do well: picking apart documents :) 00:43:37 Stephen Deerhake: +1 Alyssa! 00:43:40 Segun Akano: diversity of the knowledge of members 00:46:33 David McAuley (Verisign): explore maybe some sort of a relationship with RySG - both groups are registries and they face common issues 00:46:48 Segun Akano: changing operational environment presents opportunities to remain relavant 00:47:31 David McAuley (Verisign): I must leave at 30 minutes past the hour, regretfully 00:47:32 Katrina Sataki: @David: the way I see it, GRC is not rying to solve any registry related issues, We are solving ccNSO related issues (processes, procedures, etc). 00:50:10 Segun Akano: engagements/interations with next generation 00:51:02 Svitlana Tkachenko: +1 Katrina (subgroups) 00:52:15 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks all, i have to go 00:52:21 Sean Copeland: Thanks David 00:52:24 Alyssa Quinn: Blue sky: I suppose this is sort of a "gap" to fill. Serving as a repository for not only guidelines as they pertain to implementation of ICANN bylaws or ccNSO administrative procedures, but also guidelines in the sense of "best practices" for ccCTLDs. Some of this happens through the regional groups (CENTR, etc) but is there a way to more formally bring that to the wider ccNSO? 00:52:25 Katrina Sataki: Thank you, David! Bye! 00:59:22 Stephen Deerhake: A more active advisory role to the Council... 00:59:36 Joke Braeken: Have we lost audio? 00:59:45 Segun Akano: Go from what is existing to what is new 01:00:21 Segun Akano: innovative thinking 01:01:10 Katrina Sataki: @Stephen: if we consider having Councillors on the GRC as strength then giving them advisory role feels like giving them too much power, doesn't it? 01:04:51 Svitlana Tkachenko: system of indicators how guidelines serve the community. 01:07:41 Stephen Deerhake: @Katrina: Hmmm... An interesting point, but I don't think so. As things currently stand, the cumulative power of a particular Council member at the end of the day is really the summation of their involvement in Council/PDP/WG affairs. 01:11:00 Stephen Deerhake: Metrics for tracking "success" could well be very difficult to envision/quantify. 01:11:43 Katrina Sataki: especially, if we do not define what "success" is :)