Beer Promo Video Script 1. (ED) - My name is Eduardo Díaz, current chair of the ICANN North American Regional At-Large organization or in short NARALO. 2. (GLENN) – and I am Glenn McKnight, incoming NARALO secretary elect. We want to extend a warm welcome to enjoy an evening with Tim Lorang, local Seattle Beer expert to learn, taste and appreciate the flavors and beer history that makes Seattle a hot spot for beer culture. 3. (ED) The event will be held Thursday, 27 October 2021 at 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time or PST. Please go to the QRcode shown now to find out the time in your time zone. 4. (GLENN) The event will be held virtually from one of Seattle's best brew pubs: Obec. 5. (ED) Please take your camera and used the Qrcode shown to know more about this famous Beer Pub named OBEC Brew Pub in Seattle 6. (GLENN) To participate you need to go out and purchase four different beers. We recommend you purchase the following . 1- A pilsner, 2- IPA, 3- Amber and a 4 - Dark ( Stout or Porter) and then rank your personal choices compared with Seattle's best using the evaluation sheets. 7. (ED) Hey Glenn, but you forgot to tell our friends where to go to find more information about what beer to get and evaluation forms to be used during the tasting. Here is the QRcode to find this information 11 (GLENN) Please a selfie with your beer selection and send to your social media channels using the hashtag #WHATSONTAPNARALO 12 (GLENN) & (ED) THANKS. SEE YOU AT THE EVENT