00:17:39 Kimberly Carlson: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_CWv1PHyUuyYo0Zu5nurkevbuhPRt9yaP7SBNwHH3jc/edit 00:24:20 Bart Boswinkel: Thank you for your feed-back 00:40:55 Irina Danelia: Agree with Bart. No quorum for second voting 00:41:13 Chris Disspain: Bart’s memory has not let him doen 00:41:21 Chris Disspain: down 00:44:17 Stephen Deerhake: Need a quorum for the 1st round. 00:45:13 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: The question now is, do we need a 2nd round? without quorum? 00:46:55 Irina Danelia: I believe we need to have first voting with quorum and the second voting without quorum 00:48:18 Atsushi ENDO: Need 50% quorum for the 1st vote. My opinion is keeping 50% for first vote. If quorum does not meet, moving to 2nd vote without quorum. 00:52:22 Stephen Deerhake: 50% is too high in my view. Maybe 40%? 00:54:03 Stephen Deerhake: It is a rejection. 00:54:17 Stephen Deerhake: s/rejection/rejection action/ 00:59:02 Chris Disspain: I have to move off now to get ready from another call. Take care all.. 00:59:12 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: Thank you Chris 00:59:45 Stephen Deerhake: 40% proposed as a compromise between Atsushi's desire for 50% and the popularity of the 33% proposal. 01:00:27 Irina Danelia: To address the comment from Hiro may I suggest that we fix (probably in guideline) what efforts must be taken to inform as many members as possible? 01:01:05 Stephen Deerhake: FYI, Annex D, Section 25..2(b) lists Section 10(.3(i) as a fundamental bylaw. 01:01:06 Irina Danelia: For example publish on the web-site, send e-mails at least XX time, etc 01:02:25 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: In item #9 it says "A vote shall commence five (5) calendar days after the notification of the proposed matter to be voted upon, and the vote shall stay open for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days. The quorum rule for voting applies. 01:02:52 Stephen Deerhake: Section 10(3)(i) has to do with selections to Board seats 10 and 11. 01:09:06 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: 5. There should be a minimum turnout or quorum for a vote to be valid, with a regional representation 01:09:21 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: 7. The ccNSO should be able to make decisions at face to face, virtual and hybrid meetings and by electronic ballot. 01:16:30 Stephen Deerhake: Bye all!