00:17:36 David McAuley (Verisign): Fair point, Bart 00:22:26 David McAuley (Verisign): +1 @ Irina 00:25:30 David McAuley (Verisign): I agree with both Bart and Alejandra 00:26:10 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks, Kim 00:26:41 Kimberly Carlson: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_CWv1PHyUuyYo0Zu5nurkevbuhPRt9yaP7SBNwHH3jc/edit 00:27:58 Atsushi ENDO: I support this format. 00:29:27 David McAuley (Verisign): Not that I can think of right now - nothing to add 00:29:57 David McAuley (Verisign): This is an important question to ask the community on list and at weboinar when we unveil this 00:30:01 Segun Akano: none that i can think of. 00:34:04 Katrina Sataki .lv: I missed it too :) 00:35:17 Katrina Sataki .lv: but I like it much better than the original draft. I still have a feeling that there is something missing 00:40:17 Katrina Sataki .lv: I support Bart's suggestion! 00:41:01 David McAuley (Verisign): i also support Bart's suggestion 00:57:32 David McAuley (Verisign): yes 01:00:22 Chris Disspain: at this point I need to drop off to chair an IGO WT call..Cheers all 01:00:46 Alyssa Quinn: my internet connection is unstable so i'm becoming disconnected repeatedly ... good with 6 01:03:41 David McAuley (Verisign): Agree with Bart on the vote approach 01:04:35 David McAuley (Verisign): and agree with Alejandra 01:04:47 Atsushi ENDO: Agree with "in-person" is not realistic. 01:13:49 David McAuley (Verisign): Exactly, Bart - you two have teed up a very important point for the rules consideration 01:17:51 Katrina Sataki .lv: If a ccNSO member does not participate at the ccNSO, i.e. does not vote, it means they do not care about the ccNSO, its present and future. We should either have a mechanism to exclude those members (by introducing second round of voting) or a mechanism to remove those who do not participate from the ccNSO membership 01:18:05 David McAuley (Verisign): This will be an important part of the webinar - to highlight these difficult issues and seek a way forward 01:19:22 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: I agree with Katrina 01:28:17 Segun Akano: Agree to 90 minu 01:28:25 Kimberly Carlson: Yes, it will be recorded. We can send a “save the date” today 01:28:26 Atsushi ENDO: What time of 26th ? 01:28:48 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks Kim - good question Atsushi 01:31:03 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: 12:00 UTC ? 01:32:34 David McAuley (Verisign): sounds like a plan 01:34:24 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: :) 01:35:06 David McAuley (Verisign): That is frightening 01:39:15 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks all 01:39:18 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you all, bye. 01:39:21 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks Katrina