00:18:10 Stephen Deerhake: I plead guilty and will fill it out today ;-) 00:20:06 Kimberly Carlson: Yep, we’ll send a reminder 00:25:36 Irina Danelia: +1 00:27:47 Kimberly Carlson: Thanks Alejandra! 00:34:58 Irina Danelia: Great document, no questions, many thanks! 00:38:59 Irina Danelia: From the other side we'll have webinar's results fresh in our memory on Aug, 30. So it seems to be a good date 00:50:45 Bart Boswinkel: Release first batch of text by 5 August 00:56:15 Stephen Deerhake: I think those of us who are not GoogleDoc fans need to put our reservations aside for this task... 00:56:29 Stephen Deerhake: I will... ;-) 00:56:35 David McAuley (Verisign): +1 Stephen 00:59:01 Stephen Deerhake: Bye all! 00:59:10 Mirjana Tasic: Bye