00:14:12 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to today’s Guidelines Committee and Subgroup Teleconference on 12 July at 14:00 UTC. In the interest of time, there will be no roll call and attendance will be taken based on those who joined Zoom. Apologies received from Stephen Deerhake 00:14:41 Kimberly Carlson: Hi Stephen, welcome. Had you as an apology 00:22:48 David McAuley (Verisign): Sorry to be late, had a computer issue but was listening on phone as Bart went through Atsushi's comments 00:32:01 Alyssa Quinn: My internet is flaky in rural Canada cottage country right now so: I think the description of the current steps that we take to change a Guideline/operation procedure should come earlier in the survey so people have a reference point. 00:32:36 Bart Boswinkel: The original announcement of creation of the ccNSO: https://ccnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/filefield_10747/ccnso-statement-01mar04.pdf 00:35:36 Atsushi ENDO: Thanks Bart for the orginal announcement. 00:37:15 Katrina Sataki: Good idea, David! 00:41:42 Sean Copeland: I think anonymized is better 00:41:51 Stephen Deerhake: Good question Kim. 00:42:26 Katrina Sataki: I would disagree, Sean - we risk having several identical views from the same ccTLD 00:44:09 Segun Akano: I think we may gain something more if we are able to map responses to cctld 00:44:24 Katrina Sataki: I think that typing in a dot and 2 letters is way faster than to find your ccTLD from the list :D 00:44:38 Sean Copeland: Fair enough Katrina, I might have some insight into this from a different format, where both can be achieved on statistical models, pending what Kimberly has to say about Google’s forms 00:45:00 Atsushi ENDO: seems to me list of 172 ccTLD is too long. 00:45:20 Katrina Sataki: I agree with Atsushi 00:46:54 Kimberly Carlson: The responses will go to a spreadsheet where the data can be sorted as necessary 00:47:42 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: If I'm not mistaken, you will be able to start typing and advance the list to your ccTLD, but will look into it ;) 00:48:52 Katrina Sataki: We are talking about 3 characters, Alejandra :) 00:49:16 Katrina Sataki: Or two if we skip the dot 00:49:40 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: True... and humans typing them :P But I see your point ;) 00:51:36 Stephen Deerhake: Ambitious but I think doable. 00:53:06 Chris Disspain: good job all…looking forward to the results of the survey. 00:58:50 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: Great slides :D ! 00:59:12 David McAuley (Verisign): +1 - wish I could do slides like this 00:59:24 Sean Copeland: Me too. :( 00:59:30 Mirjana Tasic: +1 Fantastic 01:04:38 David McAuley (Verisign): yes 01:04:41 Stephen Deerhake: Yup. 01:06:13 David McAuley (Verisign): I'll comment after Bart 01:09:39 David McAuley (Verisign): a little over five years I have been on GRC 01:14:14 David McAuley (Verisign): Interesting work on the way, thanks, Bart 01:14:31 Svitlana Tkachenko: I’m sorry, i need to leave. Interesting discussion. 01:16:07 David McAuley (Verisign): sopc 01:18:16 David McAuley (Verisign): sounds good 01:18:51 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks Katrina, Bart, Kim, Joke and all 01:18:54 Kimberly Carlson: Next call, 26 July 14:00 UTC. Thank you, bye 01:18:58 ALEJANDRA REYNOSO: Bye :) 01:18:59 Sean Copeland: Bye everyone 01:19:02 Segun Akano: bye