16:10:23 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: agreed bart 16:11:31 From Guðrun Poulsen to Everyone: I agree with Alejandra :) 16:12:24 From Svitlana Tkachenko to Everyone: I also like Alejandra’s idea. If we have some free time - it’s not a problem. 16:16:23 From Guðrun Poulsen to Everyone: That’s a very good idea Patricio 16:26:14 From Svitlana Tkachenko to Everyone: like free mickrophone at the end of the session 16:27:23 From Sean Copeland to Everyone: I am going to agree heavily with Eberhard :) 16:32:30 From Svitlana Tkachenko to Everyone: +1 on using poll 16:52:21 From Patricio Vicente Poblete Olivares to Everyone: Thanks Eberhard 16:53:48 From Sean Copeland to Everyone: @Yuri, I am 2 hours away from Seattle and at this moment I can’t. This might change in August, but who knows 16:57:13 From Svitlana Tkachenko to Everyone: For now how many people from MPC can fly to Seattle ? 16:59:56 From Yuri Takamatsu to Everyone: @Sean Thank you for sharing your situation. 17:00:38 From Everton T Rodrigues to Everyone: Please, remember to take just one minute to answer our MPC member skills survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLHcZQ0EU1z0W-PA78dGVXgwz8W3q_2gUNUm45cD3whlp6ow/viewform 17:01:10 From ALEJANDRA REYNOSO to Everyone: Everton, it says it is no longer accepting responses :(