15:52:22 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Hi Yonglin 15:52:37 From Yonglin YAO to Everyone: Hi Joke 15:52:57 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Hello Yonglin 15:58:55 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone: hello everyone! 16:00:44 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Hi to all! 16:01:24 From Lianna Galstyan to Everyone: Hi everyone 16:01:31 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: My advance apologies as I will have to jump out of meeting @ :30. 16:01:33 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Hi All! Welcome. We will start shortly 16:03:23 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Great progress! 16:07:12 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: That computer might be infiltrated by the multilateral top down model! 16:08:12 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: hello everyone 16:08:16 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: sorry for being late 16:09:02 From Joke Braeken to Lianna Galstyan(Direct Message): No worries! 16:09:09 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Hi all 16:09:30 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: Hi 16:14:12 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Very clear slide; clear timeline. 16:21:25 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone: for the reason you have given to allow new members to participate, I support this 6UTC Pierre 16:21:52 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: +1 16:22:14 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: (I also support a beneficial Oceania time) 16:27:00 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: Yes, that would make it more interactive too 16:28:05 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: +1 Barbara 16:31:42 From Javier Rúa-Jovet to Everyone: Sorry have to jump out- 16:33:17 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone: I think in other sessions we could also invite presenters from other ICANN WGs we had indicated possible collaboration with. 16:35:58 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: Yes, very helpful 16:36:41 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone: I think just to mention it in the introductory remarks before the presenters go 16:37:01 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: The heap map collected IGLC members, not for the other IG community? 16:39:45 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: I don't think so we can represent all the IG communities. so the heap map just for reference only. 16:41:12 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: i think heat map is not mature yet 16:42:05 From souleymane oumtanaga to Everyone: Yes i agree 16:42:28 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: sorry typo wrong heat not heap 16:43:12 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: aha asking from people to add to heat map? 16:43:18 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: may be a good idea 16:44:48 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: Yes Barbara 16:45:14 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: maybe we call it draft heat map? 16:45:14 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: lets continue working on the Heat MAp then 16:45:28 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: the draft one :) 16:46:15 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: :) 16:55:46 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone: i think additionally we could have a table of topic against region and mark where topic meets region, that way it would be a quicker reference to identify common topics spanning across multiple region. 16:55:50 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: AF 16:55:56 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: DNS Abuse is in all regions… 16:56:07 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: its always an issue 16:56:39 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: Security of the DNS in Africa 16:56:43 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: I will add it in LAC region after the meeting 16:57:07 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: @angela: do you suggest a matrix? 17:03:44 From Barbara Povse to Everyone: sorry, I’m already late to anothe rmeeting, thank you all! 17:07:40 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone: thank you bye 17:07:40 From Yonglin YAO to Everyone: thanks all!