07:57:44 From YONGLIN to Everyone: Hello from UTC+8! Figuring out the microphone on the pc... 08:06:56 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: hi all 08:08:24 From pierre.bonis to Everyone: Hi Abdullah 08:20:12 From Annaliese Williams (.au) to Everyone: The plan seems intuitive to me, it seems a logical way of organising ourselves 08:24:01 From Adriana Lazzaroni (.it) to Everyone: At a glance it seems intuitive for me as well and I thank you all for the effort done. I suggest we can have some time to go through it individually and eventually suggest or propose any eventual integration 08:31:50 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Action item #1: IGLC to review the draft Action Plan, and to send comments or suggestions to the mailing list. Deadline: Friday, 16 July 2021 (23:59 UTC) 08:33:56 From Angela Matlapeng - bw to Everyone: I'd like to be part of the IGLC session planning 08:38:35 From Marie-Noemie Marques to Everyone: I support Barbara's excllence and efficient proposal 08:38:42 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: It is a good suggestion of Bart. At least the subgroup has a target to do. 08:42:51 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: Subgroup can find some hot topic which are related to ccTLD. so ccTLD news session might be one of the platform to IGLC. 08:45:23 From Adriana Lazzaroni (.it) to Everyone: I agree with this approach Pierre 08:47:17 From Adriana Lazzaroni (.it) to Everyone: Maybe we can accomplish this call for volunteer by email in the next days stating better which are the subgroups established within IGLC 08:48:12 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1Igs1IJ6qWXWxaWFJ2HhV2toVuPExcxCs3bTXMzzXWcc/edit?usp=sharing 08:53:18 From souleymane OUMTANAGA (.CI) to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): I can’t write in the map, could you help 08:55:05 From Joke Braeken to souleymane OUMTANAGA (.CI)(Direct Message): Click on the sticky note icon souleymane 08:55:35 From Angela Matlapeng - bw to Everyone: Can we also include topics that are not yet discussed but important like the Carbon footprint of DNS? 08:56:10 From Angela Matlapeng - bw to Everyone: Thank you 08:59:14 From Marie-Noemie Marques to Everyone: What is EAI for please? 08:59:30 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: email for IDN 08:59:55 From Barbara Povse to Everyone: Apologies, leaving for another meeting. Thanks and bye! 09:00:21 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Bye! 09:01:34 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: EAI is the protocol that allows email addresses with IDNs in the domain part and/or Unicode (non-ASCII) characters in the Local part of the Mailbox name. 09:01:43 From Marie-Noemie Marques to Everyone: We are progressing ! 09:01:57 From Marie-Noemie Marques to Everyone: Thanks and hve a nice day ! 09:02:30 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-06jul21-en.htm 09:02:40 From Sean Copeland to Everyone: I want to echo Pierre and Bart… vote often and early :) 09:03:48 From Adriana Lazzaroni (.it) to Everyone: Thank you all 09:03:55 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: thank you pierre 09:04:21 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: :D 09:04:31 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone: good one pierre 09:04:40 From Angela Matlapeng - bw to Everyone: Thank you all, and goodbye! 09:04:43 From Yonglin YAO to Everyone: THX BYE!